
本網站由 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation (下稱「Toshiba」) 及其子公司和關係企業 (下稱「集團公司」) 營運。
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本網站上使用的 Toshiba、旗下集團公司或其他公司之商業名稱、商標和標誌,其所有權利均受各國《商標法》、日本《預防不正當競爭法》及其他適用法律之保護。未經 Toshiba、旗下集團公司或持有相關權利的其他公司事先書面授權,不得使用品牌。


本 TOSHIBA WWW 伺服器針對產品、資訊服務、技術服務、新聞發佈等提供眾多資訊 (下稱「文件」)。除另有明確說明者,Toshiba 及/或其關係企業為此類文件的著作所有權人。
此類文件應受《著作權法》及其他適用法律之保護。嚴禁未經授權使用,且您僅限在下列情況中使用 TOSHIBA WWW 伺服器:

  1. 僅限出於內部和非商業目的使用、複製或下載。
  2. 複製或下載時,必須隨附本著作權聲明及條件。
  3. 禁止使用、修改、散佈、公開傳輸 (包括使文件可傳輸) 或展示任何文件副本或有其他類似行為。






  • 針對 Toshiba、旗下任一集團公司或其主管、員工或其他公司、組織、個人之下列行為均為禁止:
    • 中傷或威脅
    • 導致不利影響或損害的行為
    • 誹謗
  • 非法或可能非法之行為
  • 違反公眾秩序與道德之行為

Membership Service Terms and Conditions

  • Users accessing the online circuit simulator provided by Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation ("Toshiba") on this website (the “Service”) must first register and set up an account.
  • To set up an account, choose a user ID and password and provide such additional pieces of information as may be required.
  • When using the Service, the users shall follow the guidelines, conditions, notices, the terms and conditions of limitation of liabilities, end user license agreement, and any other agreements applicable to the use of the Services (collectively, the “Conditions of the Services”). If there is any conflict between this Membership Service Terms and Conditions and the Conditions of the Services, the Conditions of the Services shall prevail to the extent of the conflict.
  • Toshiba will accept applications from those who do not fall under or work for an organization that falls under the following conditions.
    • An entity listed in the End User List issued by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (“METI”), or an entity that METI notifies as requiring an application for export permission.
    • An entity which is subject to an administrative disposition under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act, or to an asset freeze by METI under that law.
    • An entity designated as a regulated or sanctioned entity by the Department of Commerce, the Department of the Treasury, or other U.S. authorities, under U.S. Export Administration Regulations, such as the entities listed in the Denied Persons List, the Entity List, and/or the SDN List, or an entity in which such a sanctioned entity by the Department of the Treasury owns more than 50% of the outstanding shares.
    • An entity that any other countries’ governmental organizations and/or international organizations notify as requiring an application for export permission.

Supervision of user ID, passwords and registered data

  • The user is responsible for managing its user ID and password, for any damage resulting from inadequate control of its user ID or password, and for its use or misuse by any third party. Toshiba shall bear no responsibility for any such damage.
  • The user ID and password are available only to the user who has received a membership registration notice from Toshiba, and the user ID and password may not be lent or transferred to any third party, including any person within the user’s organization, without Toshiba’s approval.
  • Toshiba may, without notice, at any time and for whatever reason, refuse or cancel to provide contents and services related to user accounts, including but not limited to the case where information provided by the user is found to be false, inaccurate, incomplete, out of date, misleading, or where Toshiba determines that it is fraudulent.
  • In the event of any change in any details contained in the application for membership registration, the user must promptly notify Toshiba and change the registered details. However, some data, such as the user’s email address and company name, cannot be changed.
  • If there is a change of user, or a need to delete a user who no longer accesses the Service, prompt application for the change will be made, in accordance with Toshiba’s prescribed procedures.
  • Toshiba reserves the right to correct membership information in the membership registration that is clearly incorrect (company name, post code, address, etc.) at its discretion.

Restricting and termination use of the service

  • Toshiba reserves the right to terminate or suspend all or part of the Service and to change user registration or access authorities, at any time without prior notice and for any reason, at its discretion.
  • A user who decides to end use of the Service shall promptly apply to close his or her account, following the procedures prescribed by Toshiba.
  • Toshiba reserves the right to terminate user membership, without prior notice, in a situation where one of the following conditions applies.
    1. Membership registration details are found to differ from the actual facts.
    2. A user ID or password are used improperly.
    3. When a response to an inquiry by Toshiba, is not received within 30 days.
    4. Toshiba determine that a user is acting inappropriately, such as being in violation of these Terms and Conditions.



  • 禁止使用 Toshiba 標誌設置連結。(須取得 Toshiba 事先授權,始得使用 Toshiba 標誌。)
  • 禁止設置未明確呈現該網站為 Toshiba 網站,或可能誤導為第三方網站的連結。
  • 禁止設置屬於本條款所列「禁止行為」範圍內之連結。


對於客戶針對產品、技術、製造及/或銷售方法、設計等方面提交給 Toshiba 之建議,除非係 Toshiba 明確要求客戶者,否則 Toshiba 僅就下述「待審查提案」之範圍,審查客戶的任何提案,其餘一概不受理。

對於不屬於「待審查提案」者,Toshiba 一律無保密義務,亦無義務審查此類提案。


  1. 已向專利局註冊的專利權、設計權或商標權。
  2. 已向專利局註冊的新型專利,並隨附專利局核發的可註冊性報告 (registrability report),以利判斷該專利之效力,以及載明「6.無先前技術文件」之文件。




若有意出口 (包括運送至日本以外國家,以及對非日本居民揭露) 自本網站取得的技術或程式,或自本網站購買的產品,您必須遵守日本的《外匯交易及外國貿易法》、美國《出口管制法》及其他相關法令。

您透過本網站提問表單等提供給我們的任何第三方 (亦即非 Toshiba Electronic Components Taiwan Corporation 及 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation) 技術資訊、程序或產品資訊,均應遵守所有法律規章。


除 Toshiba 集團公司所屬網站外,連結至本網站,或自本網站連結之第三方網站 (下稱「第三方連結網站」),應由第三方負責。設置與本網站間之連結,不代表 Toshiba 與第三方連結網站管理者間具有任何特別關係,或本公司推薦第三方連結網站之內容。對於第三方連結網站之內容及此類網站的使用,Toshiba 概不負責。

Recommended Browsing Environment

We recommend the following browsers to use this website safely and comfortably.

  • Latest version of Google Chrome
  • Latest version of Microsoft Edge
  • Latest version of Mozilla Firefox
  • Latest version of Safari
  • Latest version of Google Chrome
Mobile Android™ OS
  • Latest version of Google Chrome
  • Latest version of Safari

*We recommend that you allow the use of JavaScript.
*If you are using a browser other than those recommended above, you may not be able to use certain features on this website.

Toshiba 集團網路可存取性準則

隨著網路日益普及,企業網站的重要性隨之提高,利用全球網際網路存取資訊的人數也大幅增加。網路國際標準組織全球資訊網協會 (W3C) 於 1999 年 5 月頒布「網路內容可存取性準則」1.0 版以來,眾多歐洲、北美和其他地區的公司都採取措施,讓網路內容更易於存取。

在此背景下,Toshiba 集團根據「Toshiba 集團基本承諾」,致力提升其網站的可存取性。我們旨在確保 Toshiba 集團的網站皆易於使用,所有訪客皆可存取必要的資訊。


  1. 預期有個人要求的使用者會根據網站內容之目的存取網站:目標不同的人、有無身心障礙的人、各個年齡族群的人、具不同經驗等級的人等。
    Toshiba 網站上發佈的資訊有兩類,一類是針對大部分使用者的資訊 (例如公司資訊和普羅大眾適用的產品資訊),另一類是針對特定使用者的資訊 (例如業務夥伴的內容、僅限會員資格的內容、兒童適用的內容)。有時較難以所有使用者皆易於使用的方式提供所有資訊,然而,Toshiba 盡可能按每個網站的發佈目的,致力提供適合預期使用者的資訊。
  2. 預期前第 1. 項預期的個別使用者,其網路存取環境可能各不相同,因此需盡可能確保訪客可輕鬆取得、理解和操縱必要的資訊。
    讓使用者得以存取網站的支援技術係由眾多廠商根據各類標準提供,會於必要時適當升級。此外,網路使用者的支援技術類別、組合及個別設定各不相同大多,取決於使用目的及條件,由於這些原因,讓使用者得以存取 Toshiba 網站的所有支援技術操作的網站營運支援,受限於技術和成本限制。在這方面,Toshiba 針對網站營運致力留意相關趨勢,以盡其所能支援更多技術,並聚焦於最常用的標準支援技術。
  3.  致力確保第 1. 項預期的所有使用者都能夠從第 2. 項預期的網路存取環境,順利獲取得、理解和操縱必要的資訊。


