In accordance with the Basic Commitment of Toshiba Group "Committed to People, Committed to the Future", Toshiba Electronics Europe GmbH (TEE) conforms to the relevant laws and regulations, and places the customer first, striving to efficiently provide high quality and safe products and services that meet the expectations of our customers, and contributing to society.
TEE also endeavours to continuously improve our employees' satisfaction by providing appropriate working conditions, training and opportunities for development.
As a framework for setting Quality Objectives TEE's Executive Management Team utilizes the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Methodology, develops TEE’s Strategy Map in consideration of the Toshiba Electronic Devices and Storage Company’s strategic goals and European market trends, and assesses the BSC results to determine necessary measures.
TEE commits to the continual improvement of the quality management system by promoting the use of the process approach and risk-based thinking.
4th July 2023
Peter Lieberwirth
President & CEO Toshiba Electronics Europe GmbH