News Center

This page is listing links of the press release and topics published by Toshiba Electronic Devices and Storage Corporation.
Information in the news and topics, including product prices and specifications, content of services and contact information, is current on the date of the news announcement, but is subject to change without prior notice. The news before March 31, 2017 is the news published by Toshiba Storage & Electronic Devices Solutions Company.

Release Year
News Category
50V/5A Brushed DC Motor Driver for Large Motors in Consumer and Industrial Equipment
Zener Diodes for Surge Protection of Power Lines Help to Improve Equipment Reliability
50V/3.0A Stepping Motor Driver without Current Sensing Resistors
Lineup Expansion of 150V N-Channel Power MOSFETs Using a New Generation Process that Helps Reduce Power Consumption of Power Supplies
Small MOSFETs Bring Lower Power Consumption and Longer Operating Times to Battery-Driven Devices
Lineup Expansion of -40V/-60V Automotive P-Channel Power MOSFETs for Stable Operation of Automotive Equipment
Lineup Expansion of 600V Super Junction Structure N-Channel Power MOSFETs that Help Improve Efficiency of Power Supplies
Expanded Lineup of Power MOSFETs with High-Speed Diodes that Help to Improve Efficiency of Power Supplies
Expanded Lineup of Bipolar Transistors Contribute to the Reduction of Environmental Impacts
Expanded Lineup of Bipolar Transistors that Contribute to the Reduction of the Power Consumption of Equipment
Lineup Expansion of 1200 V SiC MOSFET Module that Contributes to High Efficiency and Downsizing of Industrial Equipment
Expanded Lineup of Surge Protection Zener Diodes that Support the Quality Improvement of Electronic Equipment by Adding New Voltage Ranks
4500 V/1000 A New Press Pack IEGT That Contributes to Size Reduction and High Output for High-Voltage Converters
Lineup Expansion of 150 V N-Channel Power MOSFETs in U-MOSX-H Series to Reduce Power Consumption for Power Supplies
4500 V/1500 A New Press Pack IEGT that Helps to Reduce the Size and Power Consumption for High-Voltage Converters
Lineup Expansion of Bipolar Transistors Suitable for Gate Drive Circuits, Current Switches, and LED Drive Circuits
Lineup Expansion of 1700 V SiC MOSFET Module that Contributes to High Efficiency and Downsizing of Industrial Equipment
New Press Pack IEGT That Contributes to Size Reduction and Higher Output for High-Voltage Converters Such as DC Power Transmission Systems and Industrial Motor Controller
Bipolar Transistors Contribute to the Reduction of Environmental Impacts
Lineup Expansion of 3300 V SiC MOSFET Modules That Contribute to High Efficiency and Downsizing of Industrial Equipment
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