IVI (In-vehicle Infotainment)

IVI (In-vehicle Infotainment)

Such as information sharing and reduction of power consumption are important in designing IVI. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for display and audio output section, video and voice input section, wireless communications section, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.

Overall block diagram

Click the area you want to check the details in the overall block diagram. Show links to our proposed sub-block diagram.

 modem modem Application processor Applicationprocessor Wi-Fi®/4G/GPS Wi-Fi®/4G/GPS Ethernet bridge IC Ethernetbridge IC Ethernet bridge IC Ethernetbridge IC HSIC /PCIe® HSIC/PCIe® PCIe PCIe Peripheral bridge IC Peripheral bridge IC HDMI™ HDMI HDMI HDMI Ethernet AVB Ethernet AVB Peripheral bridge IC Peripheral bridge IC Display Display Display Display LVDS LVDS USB Controller USBController Bus Switch BusSwitch PHY/ Switch PHY/Switch PHY/ Switch PHY/Switch Camera Camera MIPI CSI-2 MIPI CSI-2 Deserializer Deserializer Camera Camera Parallel Parallel LDO LDO RGB RGB Peripheral bridge IC Peripheral bridge IC MIC MIC Ethernet bridge IC Ethernetbridge IC LVDS LVDS Peripheral bridge IC Peripheral bridge IC USB Connector USBConnector Wireless Communication Wireless Communication Video Input Video Input Voice Input Voice Input USB Interface USB Interface Display/Audio Output Display/Audio Output RKE IC RKEIC Speaker Speaker I2S /TDM I2S/TDM I2S /TDM I2S/TDM Ethernet bridge IC Ethernetbridge IC Ethernet bridge IC Ethernetbridge IC Ethernet AVB Ethernet AVB PHY/ Switch PHY/Switch PHY/ Switch PHY/Switch Audio Codec AudioCodec Audio Amp AudioAmp LDO LDO MIPI DSI® MIPI DSI® TVS TVS TVS TVS TVS TVS TVS TVS TVS TVS TVS TVS TVS TVS Level Shifter LevelShifter CAN Transceiver CANTransceiver CAN Line CANLine TVS TVS Level Shifter LevelShifter FlexRay Transceiver FlexRayTransceiver FlexRay Line FlexRayLine TVS TVS TVS TVS Speaker Speaker DC-DC DC-DC DSP/ Tuner DSP/Tuner Audio AMP AudioAMP Battery (12 V) Battery(12 V) LPF LPF Reverse Battery Protection/ Load Switch Reverse Battery Protection/Load Switch MIPI® CSI-2® MIPI® CSI-2® Serializer Serializer MIPI CSI-2 MIPI CSI-2 MIPI CSI-2 MIPI CSI-2 MIPI DSI MIPI DSI Audio Codec AudioCodec Audio output section Display section Power supply ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuit DC-DC converter circuit (non-isolated buck type) Wireless communications section Video and voice input section
Display section

Example of the display circuit using Ethernet ICs and peripheral bridge Ics

Audio output section

Example of the audio output circuit.

Video and voice input section

Example of the video and voice input circuit using peripheral bridge Ics

Wireless communications section

Example of block diagram of a wireless communication system in a vehicle

DC-DC converter circuit (non-isolated buck type)

Example of non-isolated step-down DC-DC converter

Power supply ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuit

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuit using P-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuit using N-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines

Sub block diagram

Display section
Display section

Example of the display circuit using Ethernet ICs and peripheral bridge Ics

Example of the display circuit using Ethernet ICs and peripheral bridge Ics
Ethernet bridge IC
Part Number
Toshiba Package Name P-LFBGA170-1010-0.65 P-LFBGA170-1010-0.65 P-LFBGA120-0909-0.65 P-LFBGA120-0909-0.65 P-LFBGA120-0909-0.65 P-FBGA220-1010-0.65-001
Product Category Ethernet Bridge Ethernet Bridge Ethernet Bridge Ethernet Bridge Ethernet Bridge Ethernet Bridge
Peripheral bridge IC
Part Number
Toshiba Package Name P-LFBGA64-0707-0.80-002 P-VFBGA80-0707-0.65-001 P-VFBGA49-0505-0.65-001 P-VFBGA64-0606-0.65-001 P-VFBGA80-0707-0.65-001 P-VFBGA80-0707-0.65-001
Product Category HDMI® Interface Bridge Camera Interface Bridge Display Interface Bridge Display Interface Bridge Display Interface Bridge Display Interface Bridge
TVS diode (for high speed communication)
Part Number
Toshiba Package Name SOD-923 (SOD-923) SOD-923 (SOD-923)
VESD (Max) [kV] +/-20 +/-20
IR (Max) [µA] 0.1 0.1
Rdyn (Typ.) [Ω] 0.35 0.35
CT (Typ.) [pF] @ VR = 0 [V], f = 1 [MHz] 0.45 0.45
Audio output section
Audio output section

Example of the audio output circuit.

Example of the audio output circuit.
Audio power amplifier IC
Part Number
Toshiba Package Name P-HSSOP36-1116-0.65-001 P-HSSOP36-1116-0.65-001
Product Category Audio power amplifier Audio power amplifier
Video and voice input section
Video and voice input section

Example of the video and voice input circuit using peripheral bridge Ics

Example of the video and voice input circuit using peripheral bridge Ics
Peripheral bridge IC
Part Number
Toshiba Package Name P-LFBGA64-0707-0.80-002 P-VFBGA80-0707-0.65-001 P-VFBGA49-0505-0.65-001 P-VFBGA64-0606-0.65-001 P-VFBGA80-0707-0.65-001 P-VFBGA80-0707-0.65-001
Product Category HDMI® Interface Bridge Camera Interface Bridge Display Interface Bridge Display Interface Bridge Display Interface Bridge Display Interface Bridge
TVS diode (for high-speed communication)
Part Number
Toshiba Package Name SOD-923 (SOD-923) SOD-923 (SOD-923)
VESD (Max) [kV] +/-20 +/-20
IR (Max) [µA] 0.1 0.1
Rdyn (Typ.) [Ω] 0.35 0.35
CT (Typ.) [pF] @ VR = 0 [V], f = 1 [MHz] 0.45 0.45
Wireless communications section
Wireless communications section

Example of block diagram of a wireless communication system in a vehicle

Example of block diagram of a wireless communication system in a vehicle
Ethernet bridge IC
Part Number
Toshiba Package Name P-LFBGA170-1010-0.65 P-LFBGA170-1010-0.65 P-LFBGA120-0909-0.65 P-LFBGA120-0909-0.65 P-LFBGA120-0909-0.65 P-FBGA220-1010-0.65-001
Product Category Ethernet Bridge Ethernet Bridge Ethernet Bridge Ethernet Bridge Ethernet Bridge Ethernet Bridge
Wireless communication IC
Part Number
Toshiba Package Name QFN36-P-0606-0.50
Product Category Mobile radio IC (RF-IF single-chip IC)
DC-DC converter circuit (non-isolated buck type)
DC-DC converter circuit (non-isolated buck type)

Example of non-isolated step-down DC-DC converter

Example of non-isolated step-down DC-DC converter
U-MOS Series 40 V N-ch MOSFET
Part Number
Toshiba Package Name TSON Advance(WF) DPAK+ SOP Advance(WF) DSOP Advance(WF)L S-TOGL L-TOGL
VDSS (Max) [V] 40 40 40 40 40 40
ID (Max) [A] 40 120 150 150 200 400
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.0038 0.00135 0.00079 0.00079 0.00066 0.00030
Polarity N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch
Power supply ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuit
Power supply ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuit (P-ch type)

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuit using P-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuit using P-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines
U-MOS series -40 V / -60 V P-ch MOSFET
Part Number
Toshiba Package Name TSON Advance(WF) SOP Advance(WF) SOP Advance(WF) DPAK+
VDSS (Max) [V] -40 -40 -60 -40
ID (Max) [A] -40 -100 -90 -90
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.0096 0.0031 0.0083 0.0043
Polarity P-ch P-ch P-ch P-ch
General purpose small signal MOSFET
Part Number
Toshiba Package Name SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-723 (VESM)
VDSS (Max) [V] 60 -60 -20
ID (Max) [A] 0.4 -0.4 -0.8
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 4.5 [V] 1.75 1.9 0.39
Polarity N-ch P-ch P-ch
General purpose small signal bipolar transistor
Part Number
Toshiba Package Name SOT-416 (SSM) SOT-416 (SSM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-346 (S-Mini)
VCEO (Max) [V] -50 50 50 -50 50 -50
IC (Max) [A] -0.15 0.15 0.15 -0.15 0.15 -0.15
Small signal bias resistor built-in transistor (BRT)
Part Number
Toshiba Package Name SOT-563 (ES6) SOT-563 (ES6) SOT-363 (US6) SOT-363 (US6)
VCEO (Q1) (Max) [V] 50 -50 50 -50
VCEO (Q2) (Max) [V] 50 -50 50 -50
IC (Q1) (Max) [A] 0.1 -0.1 0.1 -0.1
IC (Q2) (Max) [A] 0.1 -0.1 0.1 -0.1
Polarity (Q1) NPN PNP NPN PNP
Polarity (Q2) NPN PNP NPN PNP
TVS diode (for CAN communication)
Part Number
Toshiba Package Name SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM)
VESD (Max) [kV] +/-30 +/-25 +/-20
IR (Max) [µA] 0.1 0.1 0.1
Rdyn (Typ.) [Ω] 0.8 1.1 1.5
CT (Typ.) [pF] @ VR = 0 [V], f = 1 [MHz] 9 9 6.5
Power supply ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuit (N-ch type)

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuit using N-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuit using N-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines
U-MOS Series 40 V N-ch MOSFET
Part Number
Toshiba Package Name TSON Advance(WF) DPAK+ SOP Advance(WF) DSOP Advance(WF)L S-TOGL L-TOGL
VDSS (Max) [V] 40 40 40 40 40 40
ID (Max) [A] 40 120 150 150 200 400
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.0038 0.00135 0.00079 0.00079 0.00066 0.00030
Polarity N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch
Gate driver (for switch)
Part Number
Toshiba Package name PS-8 SSOP16 WSON10A
VBB (Max) [V]      
VCC (Max) [V]      
IO (Max) [A] +5mA/ Internally Limited   Internally Limited /-5m
General purpose small signal MOSFET
Part Number
Toshiba Package Name SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-723 (VESM)
VDSS (Max) [V] 60 -60 -20
ID (Max) [A] 0.4 -0.4 -0.8
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 4.5 [V] 1.75 1.9 0.39
Polarity N-ch P-ch P-ch
General purpose small signal bipolar transistor
Part Number
Toshiba Package Name SOT-416 (SSM) SOT-416 (SSM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-346 (S-Mini)
VCEO (Max) [V] -50 50 50 -50 50 -50
IC (Max) [A] -0.15 0.15 0.15 -0.15 0.15 -0.15
Small signal bias resistor built-in transistor (BRT)
Part Number
Toshiba Package Name SOT-563 (ES6) SOT-563 (ES6) SOT-363 (US6) SOT-363 (US6)
VCEO (Q1) (Max) [V] 50 -50 50 -50
VCEO (Q2) (Max) [V] 50 -50 50 -50
IC (Q1) (Max) [A] 0.1 -0.1 0.1 -0.1
IC (Q2) (Max) [A] 0.1 -0.1 0.1 -0.1
Polarity (Q1) NPN PNP NPN PNP
Polarity (Q2) NPN PNP NPN PNP
TVS diode (for CAN communication)
Part Number
Toshiba Package Name SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM)
VESD (Max) [kV] +/-30 +/-25 +/-20
IR (Max) [µA] 0.1 0.1 0.1
Rdyn (Typ.) [Ω] 0.8 1.1 1.5
CT (Typ.) [pF] @ VR = 0 [V], f = 1 [MHz] 9 9 6.5

Solution Proposal

These documents explain the key points of recommended semiconductor products and their features. Please use them for product selection.

Reference Design

Automotive Buck-Boost DC-DC Converter for USB PD
This reference design provides design guide, data and other contents of Automotive Buck-Boost DC-DC Converter for USB PD.



Design & Development

Switched Mode Power Supply Library

you can select and download various basic topologies of a power supply unit based on your actual requirements in order to verify the behavior of MOSFETs with your simulation environment.

Motor Control and Driver Circuit Library

you can select and download various basic topologies of motor driver such as three-phase inverter circuit based on your actual requirements in order to verify the behavior of MOSFETs and another devices for your simulation environment.

EDA/CAD Model Library

We provide simulation data, 3D models of packages, and land pattern models (2D models) used when developing product boards.

MCU Motor Studio

MCU Motor Studio features a PC Tool and motor control firmware dedicated to the TXZ+TM Family Advanced Class microcontrollers from Toshiba.


Technical inquiry

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  • Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance.
  • MIPI, CSI-2 and DSI are registered service marks of MIPI Alliance, Inc. DPISM is service mark of MIPI Alliance, Inc.
  • PCIe and PCI Express are registered trademarks of PCI-SIG.
  • The terms HDMI, and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
  • DisplayPortTM and the DisplayPortTM logo are trademarks owned by the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) in the United States and other countries.
  • Other company names, product names, and service names may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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