As consumer electronics, personal electronic devices and other equipment become smarter and more interconnected within networks, demand for semiconductor devices that support these trends is continuing to increase.
Toshiba provides a wide range of semiconductor products, including analog, connectivity, discrete, logic and power management products, that support smart devices through miniaturization, power saving and reducing the number of parts while supporting the increasing functionality of consumer/personal devices. Toshiba also provides reference designs and design tools to help reduce design time and improve the reliability of equipment in applications requiring advanced designs.
There are increasing cases in which a highly versatile reference design based on device selection and optimal solutions of circuits is being used as an efficient development design approach.
Not only schematics as reference circuit but also PCB pattern data, Gerber data, and sample software as reference design are available for quick advancement of equipment designs.
We hope these reference designs can be used as a base for new designs and support turn-key development which helps in reducing labor.