1-6. Operations of linear and switching regulators

Linear regulators cut off excessive voltage to keep the output voltage constant. In contrast, switching regulators control the on/off-time to make the average value of the input voltage constant, thereby regulating the output.

Figure 1.6 Operations of linear and switching regulators

Chapter1 Introduction to Low-Dropout (LDO) Regulators

1-1. Types of voltage regulator ICs
1-2. Advantages and disadvantages of linear regulators and switching regulators
1-3. What is an LDO regulator?
1-4. Need of LDO regulators for electronic systems
1-5. What is a linear regulator?
1-7. Principle of operation of series regulators
1-8. Circuit configuration of a series regulator
1-9. Differences between a three-terminal voltage regulator and an LDO regulator

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