Variable capacitance diode for electronic tuning applications


Application Scope VHF/UHF VCO
Number of Circuits 1
RoHS Compatible Product(s) (#) Available

Package Information

Toshiba Package Name SOD-923 (SOD-923)
Package Image SOD-923
Package Code SOD-923
Pins 2
Mounting Surface Mount
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SamacSys CAD model
(Symbol, Footprint and 3D model)
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 Please refer to the link destination to check the detailed size.


SamacSys is a wholly owned subsidiary of Supplyframe, Inc. CAD models (Symbol/Footprint /3D model) are provided by Supplyframe, Inc. The footprints are generated based on the specifications of SamacSys.


Please note that the footprint dimensions may differ from the reference Land Pattern dimensions provided on our website.

Absolute Maximum Ratings

Characteristics Symbol Rating Unit
Reverse Voltage VR 15 V

Electrical Characteristics

Characteristics Symbol Condition Value Unit
Capacitance Ratio (Typ.) CT(1)/CT(2) - 2.5 -
Capacitance (case 1) (Max) CT(upper_side) VR=2V 16 pF
Capacitance (case 1) (Min) CT(upper_side) VR=2V 14 pF
Capacitance (case 2) (Max) CT(lower_side) VR=10V 6.5 pF
Capacitance (case 2) (Min) CT(lower_side) VR=10V 5.5 pF
Series Resistance (Typ.) rS - 0.2 Ω
Purchase and Sample
Please contact one of Toshiba's official distributors or the nearest Toshiba sales office.
You can search for and purchase a small on-line sample by clicking on the following link.


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Orderable part number

Orderable part number
MOQ(pcs) Reliability
RoHS Note
JDV2S41AFS,L3M 10000 Yes General Use

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