

Description First products based on the new 8-bit CPU core with various communication functions and 10-bit AD converter
RoHS Compatible Product(s) (#) Available

Flash memory uses SuperFlash® technology licensed from Silicon Storage Technology (SST), Inc. SuperFlash® is a registered trademark of SST, Inc.

Package Information

Toshiba Package Name LQFP64-P-1010-0.50D
Package Image LQFP64-P-1010-0.50D
Pins 64
Mounting Surface Mount
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 Please refer to the link destination to check the detailed size.


Property Value Unit
number of bits 8 bit
ROM size 60 Kbyte
ROM type Flash -
RAM size 3 Kbyte
internal data bus width 8 bit
LED drive capability 8 ch
UART 1 ch
I2C/SIO 1 ch
A/D converters(10bit) 16 ch
Timer/counter(16bit) 2 ch
Timer/counter(8bit) 4 ch
watchdog timer Available -
dual clock operation Available -
Clock gear function Available -
Power-on reset circuit Available -
Voltage detecting circuit Available -
On-chip debug function Available -
I/O Port 58 port
The minimum instruction execution time in low-speed dual clock operation mode is 122μs (at 32.768kHz).
Configurable as UART or SIO. Also, selectable from I2C and SIO. Two SIO channels can be used simultaneously.
Two ports are reserved for high-speed oscillator pins and cannot be used as I/O ports.
Supply Voltage
Operation Frequency
Operating Temp
Minimum instruction
execution time (µsec)
4.3 to 5.5 0.25 to 8 -40 to 85 0.125
3 to 5.5 0.25 to 4.2 -40 to 85 0.238
Purchase and Sample
Please contact one of Toshiba's official distributors or the nearest Toshiba sales office.
You can search for and purchase a small on-line sample by clicking on the following link.


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