Automotive MOSFETs

Toshiba offers an extensive lineup of power MOSFETs to cover various automotive applications in 12V to 48V battery systems. Toshiba has developed state-of-the-art wafer processes to suppress the switching noise. By combining these latest wafer processes with low-resistance packaging technologies, the industry-leading level of low on-resistance is achieved. This low resistance contributes to reduced energy loss and miniaturization of applications.


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All package dimensions are guaranteed in millimeters as mentioned on datasheet. Package dimension in inches is round to 2 significant digits converted with 1mm=0.0393701inch.

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The information presented in this cross reference is based on TOSHIBA's selection criteria and should be treated as a suggestion only. Please carefully review the latest versions of all relevant information on the TOSHIBA products, including without limitation data sheets and validate all operating parameters of the TOSHIBA products to ensure that the suggested TOSHIBA products are truly compatible with your design and application.Please note that this cross reference is based on TOSHIBA's estimate of compatibility with other manufacturers' products, based on other manufacturers' published data, at the time the data was collected.TOSHIBA is not responsible for any incorrect or incomplete information. Information is subject to change at any time without notice.


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Automotive Power Slide Door
Such as ensuring tolerance to motor lock current and reduction of power consumption are important in power sliding door. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for motor drive unit, power supply unit, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
Automotive Electric Pump (Water/Oil)
Such as ensuring tolerance to motor lock current and reduction of power consumption are important in electric pump (water/oil). Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for motor drive unit, power supply unit, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
Automotive DC-DC Converter
Such as reduction of power consumption and miniaturization are important in designing DC-DC converter. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for step-up or step-down DC-DC converter units, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS)
Such as reduction of power supply and signal noise and reduction of power consumption are important in designing ADAS. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for image input units, power supply units, data transmission and audio output units, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
Automotive Brake Control
Such as reduction of power consumption and miniaturization are important in designing brake control. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for brake actuator unit, motor driving unit and power supply units, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
Automotive HVAC
Such as ensuring tolerance to motor lock current and reduction of power consumption are important in designing HVAC. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for motor drive units, power supply units, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
Electric Power Steering
Such as ensuring tolerance to motor lock current and reduction of power consumption are important in designing electric power steering. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for motor drive units, power supply units, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
Automotive Electro Active Suspension
Such as reduction of power consumption and miniaturization are important in designing electro active suspension. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for motor drive units, power supply units, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
Automotive Integrated Starter Generator
Such as ensuring tolerance to motor lock current and reduction of power consumption are important in designing ISG. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for motor drive units, communication units, power supply units, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
Automotive USB Power Charger
Such as reduction of power supply and signal noise and reduction of power consumption are important in designing USB power charger. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for circuit for cigar socket or accessory circuits, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
Automotive Electric Turbocharger
Such as ensuring tolerance to motor lock current and reduction of power consumption are important in designing electric turbocharger. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for motor drive units, communication units, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
IVI (In-vehicle Infotainment)
Such as information sharing and reduction of power consumption are important in designing IVI. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for display and audio output section, video and voice input section, wireless communications section, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
Automotive LED Headlamp
Such as reduction of power consumption and miniaturization of circuit boards are important in designing LED headlamp. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for LED matrix control units, power supply units, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
Automotive Radiator Fan
Such as ensuring tolerance to motor lock current and reduction of power consumption are important in designing radiator fan. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for motor drive units, communication units, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
Automotive V2X
Such as reduction of power supply and signal noise and reduction of power consumption are important in designing V2X. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for RF block units, power supply units, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
Inverter for xEV
Such as reduction of power consumption and miniaturization are important in designing xEV inverter. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for motor drive circuit units, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
Head-up Display (HUD)
Such as reduction of noise on signal line, reduction of power consumption and miniaturization are important in designing head-up display. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for motor drive units, power supply units, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
Battery Management System for Automotive
Such as reduction of power consumption and miniaturization are important in battery management system. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for charging circuit, cell balancing circuit, battery monitoring circuit, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
Automotive Engine Control
Such as reduction of power consumption and miniaturization are important in designing engine control. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for power management circuit, injector drive circuit, actuator drive circuit, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
Transmission Management
Such as reduction of power consumption and miniaturization are important in designing transmission management. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for motor drive units, power supply units, mechanical relay drive units, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
Automotive On-board Charger
Such as reduction of power consumption and miniaturization of circuit boards are important in designing on-board charger. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for DC-DC converter units, power supply units, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.

Reference Design

Automotive 3kW 48V-12V Bidirectional DC-DC Converter
In recent years, xEV (hybrid-electric vehicles and battery-powered electric vehicles) are becoming popular to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. The xEV may have a 48V battery inside in addition to a 12V battery to reduce electrical power loss.This design is a bidirectional DC-DC converter required for the applications which have the 48V battery and the 12V battery. It achieves high efficiency operation by using Toshiba's automotive MOSFETs which have low on-resistance and high heat dissipation.Design tips on each portion of the circuit, method of operation, and design information such as circuit diagrams and PCB patterns are available, please use them for your design.
Automotive Brushed DC Motor Control Circuit Using TB9103FTG
The Automotive Brushed DC Motor Control Circuit Using TB9103FTG can control two motors in half-bridge mode or one motor in H-bridge mode. The Motor can be controlled using onboard switches or an external MCU. This reference design provides design guide, data, and other contents.
Automotive Buck-Boost DC-DC Converter for USB PD
This reference design provides design guide, data and other contents of Automotive Buck-Boost DC-DC Converter for USB PD.
Photo of Matrix LED Headlight
Matrix LED Headlight
This reference design provides design guide, data and other contents of LED Matrix Headlight. It controls the lighting of multiple LEDs independently according to the situation.



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