How many PTC thermistors can be connected simultaneously?

The maximum number of PTC thermistors that can be connected to Thermoflagger™ is roughly 30.

If more than one PTC thermistor is used, consider variations in IC and PTC thermistor characteristics to ensure that detection at the set temperature is not hindered by the increase of the combined resistance.
For reference, TCTH02xxE and Murata's PTC Thermistor (POSISTOR): Simulate PRF18BC471QB5RB.
The detection temperature may fluctuate depending on the number of PTC thermistors connected and the ambient temperature of IC・PTC thermistor. Be sure to thoroughly verify the detection temperature.

Table-1 Overheat detection temperature-simulation table for TCTH02xxE and PRF18BC471QB5RB
    Ambient temperature (Ta)
    25ºC 50ºC 85ºC
    Min Typ. Max Min Typ. Max Min Typ. Max
Connected PTC
Thermistor quantity
1 111ºC 120ºC 131ºC 110ºC 120ºC 134ºC 110ºC 120ºC 134ºC
5 111ºC 120ºC 131ºC 110ºC 120ºC 133ºC 109ºC 120ºC 134ºC
10 110ºC 120ºC 131ºC 109ºC 120ºC 133ºC 107ºC 119ºC 133ºC
15 110ºC 119ºC 131ºC 108ºC 119ºC 133ºC 104ºC 118ºC 133ºC

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