State-of-the-art super junction MOSFET DTMOSVI

Comparisons of fiqures of merit

The DTMOS series has a super junction structure capable of reducing the resistance of the drift layer even though it has a high withstand voltage. From the fourth-generation DTMOSIV series onward, Toshiba has adopted a single-epi process to achieve both low on-resistance and high-speed switching. The DTMOSVI series, the latest generation, is able to contribute to more efficient switching power supplies by reducing the product of the drain-source on-resistance and the gate-drain charge (RDS(ON) × Qgd), which is a figure of merit, compared with our conventional DTMOSIV-H series.

The product of the drain-source on-resistance and the gate-drain charge (RDS(ON) × Q gd) is a figure of merit: the smaller the value, the lower the conduction loss and the lower the switching loss of the MOSFET. In the DTMOSVI series, the RDS(ON) × Qgd is reduced by approximately 40% compared with the conventional DTMOSIV-H series product by optimizing the gate design and processes. In addition, we have achieved a reduction of approximately 30% compared with competitors' equivalent devices, which contributes to higher efficiency of switching power supplies.

Efficiency results (in-house comparison)

By reducing the product of the drain-source on-resistance and the gate-drain charge (RDS(ON) × Qgd), which is a MOSFET figure of merit, the efficiency evaluation of PFC circuit evaluation boards with a maximum output of 2.5 kW has found that the efficiency of power conversion is improved throughout the output power range compared with the conventional DTMOSVI series products. In particular, the power conversion efficiency has improved by 0.36% at the output power of 2.5 kW and is reduced by approximately 10 W at the output power level. It contributes to the high efficiency required for switching power supplies for industrial equipment such as servers and telecommunications equipment.

Efficiency evalution results (comparison with other companies)

The graph above shows the results of comparative evaluations of the power conversion efficiencies of the DTMOSVI, conventional products, and competitors’ products in the PFC circuit of the AC-DC power supply for servers with the highest power output of 1.6 kW. Our DTMOSVI series achieves approximately 95% under 50% loading conditions for both AC230-V and AC180-V input conditions. Compared with conventional products and competitors’ products, this product achieves the same or higher efficiency throughout the output power range, and is suitable for switching power sources that require high efficiency such as servers.

Circuit Simulation

Switched Mode Power Supply Library is the service which can select and download various basic topologies of power supply unit based on your actual requirement to verify the behavior of MOSFET with your simulation environment. 

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