Brushless DC Motor Driver ICs

Due to the growing needs for energy saving and quiet motor operation, brushless DC (BLDC) motors are widely used for various applications.
To improve the motor drive efficiency, a complicated process is generally required. Toshiba offers motor drive controllers that solve this problem.


Product Lines: Brushless Motor Drivers
Product Lines: Brushless Motor Drivers
General constituted example of ICs for Motor control. Toshiba provides all necessary ICs for Motor control

3-phase Brushless Motor Drivers

1-phase Brushless Motor Drivers

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About information presented in this cross reference

The information presented in this cross reference is based on TOSHIBA's selection criteria and should be treated as a suggestion only. Please carefully review the latest versions of all relevant information on the TOSHIBA products, including without limitation data sheets and validate all operating parameters of the TOSHIBA products to ensure that the suggested TOSHIBA products are truly compatible with your design and application.Please note that this cross reference is based on TOSHIBA's estimate of compatibility with other manufacturers' products, based on other manufacturers' published data, at the time the data was collected.TOSHIBA is not responsible for any incorrect or incomplete information. Information is subject to change at any time without notice.


Reference Design

Air Conditioner Outdoor Unit Control Circuit
Air Conditioner Outdoor Unit Control Circuit
This Reference Design provides design guide, data and other contents of the Air Conditioner Outdoor Unit that control two motors (fan motor, compressor) and a PFC circuit with a single MCU.
Sensorless Sinusoidal Brushless Motor Drive Circuit Using TC78B011FTG
Sensorless Sinusoidal Brushless Motor Drive Circuit Using TC78B011FTG
This reference design provides design guide, data and other contents of a brushless motor drive circuit using sensorless sinusoidal PWM predriver IC for 3-phase brushless motor. This design allows easy configuration of the motor pre-driver using a GUI.
Block diagram of application circuit of brushless DC motor pre-driver TC78B027FTG for fan drive.
Application circuit of brushless DC motor pre-driver TC78B027FTG for fan drive
The board is designed to a doughnut shape according to the fan form. MOSFETs for the motor drive, brushless DC motor pre-driver IC TC78B027FTG, and the microcontroller for control are mounted on the board. This reference design provides circuit diagram, BOM, etc.
Block diagram of application circuit for high-voltage brushless DC motor fan drive.
Application circuit for high-voltage brushless DC motor fan drive
The board is designed to a doughnut shape according to the fan form. Brushless DC motor controller IC TC78B041FNG and high voltage motor driver IC TPD4204F are mounted on the board. This reference design provides circuit diagram, BOM, etc.
Block diagram of evaluation board for motor pre-driver IC and external FET drive board.
Evaluation board for motor pre-driver IC and external FET drive board
This reference design provides circuit diagram, BOM and PCB data (Gerber data) of the evaluation board for 3 phase brushless DC motor pre-driver IC (TC78B009FTG/TC78B027FTG) and connectable external FET drive board.
Application block diagram of application circuits of TPD4152F square-wave control type of BLDC motor driver.
Application Circuits of TPD4152F Square-Wave Control Type of BLDC Motor Driver
This reference design provides example circuit and design guide using Hall device/IC. The TPD4152F has 600V rating and built-in PWM to drive BLDC motor with square-wave control.
Application block diagram of application circuits of TPD4204F and TB6634FNG sine-wave control type of BLDC motor driver.
Application Circuits of TPD4204F and TB6634FNG Sine-Wave Control Type of BLDC Motor Driver
This reference design provides example circuit and design guide using Hall device/IC. The TPD4204F has 600V rating and built-in PWM to drive BLDC motor with sign-wave control.
Features of Motor Control Closed-loop system(Arduino Shield).
Motor Control Closed-loop System(Arduino Shield)
This reference design provides the Motor Control Closed-loop system using Toshiba's 3 phase brushless DC motor driver IC TB6605FTG. The board is designed as a plug-in board (Shield) for Arduino UNO platform.
Applicatoin block diagram of application circuits of TPD4206F and TB6634FNG sine-wave control type of BLDC motor driver.
Application Circuits of TPD4206F and TB6634FNG Sine-Wave Control Type of BLDC Motor Driver
This reference design provides example circuit and design guide using Hall device/IC. The TPD4206F has 500V rating and built-in PWM to drive BLDC motor with sign-wave control.
Application block diagram of application circuits of TPD4151F square-wave control type of BLDC motor driver.
Application Circuits of TPD4151F Square-Wave Control Type of BLDC Motor Driver
This reference design provides example circuit and design guide using Hall device/IC. The TPD4151F has 250V rating and built-in PWM to drive BLDC motor with square-wave control.


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Brushless DC Motor Drivers ICs (BLDC) provide higher efficiency while providing low electrical noise and a notably longer lifespan. BLDC motors are becoming increasingly popular in the automotive industry — specifically used in EVs, HVAC and other industrial applications. BLDC motors can be advantageous in certain applications because they can be built small and lighter than their brushed counterparts. Unlike Brushed Motor Drivers, electronic commutators replace the mechanical commutator and brushes normally used for magnetic propulsion in BLDC drivers. Precise timing controlled by electronic commutators allows for accuracy in speed and torque control. Without the use of brushes, BLDC motor drivers receive less wear and tear, lasting longer without the need of brush maintenance. Toshiba offers 1-phase and 3-phase brushless motor controller and motor driver circuits for low voltage and high voltage applications. Check our product lineup to view our BLDC motor drivers and Brushless DC Motor Controllers.

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