Gate Driver IC for Automotive Brushed Motors

This is a 2ch half-bridge (H-bridge) gate driver IC with the minimum functions required for automotive applications.
Compatible with body systems in general that use brushed motors.
In particular, by converting a system that uses mechanical relays to drive motors to semiconductors, high reliability and miniaturization can be achieved.

<Points of this product>

In recent years, there has been an increase in the demand for motors per vehicle due to the increasingly electrified moving parts of automotive equipment, which had been mechanical. The number of drivers driving motors is also increasing, and the system is becoming smaller and more integrated. Some motor applications require no rotational speed control, and a driver with limited functions and performance is required.
We are working to strengthen our product lineup to meet this demand, and TB9103FTG introduced here is part of this enhancement (Table 1).

Table 1. Lineup of Gate Driver IC for Automotive Brushed Motors

GD: Gate Driver, CP: Charge Pump, MCSA: Motor Current Sense Amplifier, SR: Safety Relay, Dev.: Development, xTBV: x Times Battery Voltage 

Part number Status Package GD CP MC
GD for
SPI Comment
(H-bridge or 2ch Half-bridge)

- - - Propose to replace mechanical relay by semiconductor relay.
TB9104FTG Dev. VQFN32
(H-bridge or 2ch Half-bridge)




Highly general purpose device with minimum functionality.


- - Built-in motor control profile.


- - Operation under low battery voltage, Enhanced FuSa.
Built-in Phase Monitor to monitor direction of motor operation.

Equipped with the minimum necessary functions for automotive applications

TB9103FTG is a gate-driver IC for controlling the external Nch-MOSFET that drives the brushed motors. In addition, various abnormal conditions (VDS, VGS, overtemperature, power supply, setting, etc.) are outputted at DIAG terminal. There are two DIAG jacks, which can be used to determine which channel of a half-bridge with two channels has an error.

Figure 1. TB9103FTG Internal circuit outline and applied circuit
Figure 1. TB9103FTG Internal circuit outline and applied circuit

TB9103FTG value ①:

Contributing to Simplified System Design with Compact Functions

TB9103FTG assumes that a microcomputer that enables high-level control is not used, but the through-current of external Nch-MOSFETs, which is the most important factor to avoid in a system, is avoided by the product's built-in automatic dead-time control.

TB9103FTG value ②:

Use of small packages (VQFN24) to help reduce the size of ECU's [Note 1]

The TB9103FTG has reduced the number of terminals by downsizing the functions, enabling the selection of a package that is among the smallest in the world. [Note 2]
Its dimensions are 16mm2 in 24pin of VQFN.

Figure 2. Comparison of package sizes
Figure 2. Comparison of package sizes

The QFN package is used to realize the small size of this product. Also, by hiding the corner pins that have GND potential in the mold resin, the risk of malfunctions due to short failures between pins is reduced.

TB9103FTG value ③:

Contributes to switching from mechanical relays to semiconducting (MOSFET)

Advantages of switching from mechanical relays to semiconductors (MOSFETs) include quiet operation (no relay noise), high reliability (long life), and small size (small mounting area).
The following figure (Figure 3) illustrates the image.

Figure 3. Imaged figure of switching from mechanical relays to semiconductors (MOSFETs)
Figure 3. Imaged figure of switching from mechanical relays to semiconductors (MOSFETs)

TB9103FTG major specifications

The power supply (VB, VCC) is intended for use with a 12V battery system. The guaranteed chip temperature range is -40℃ to 150℃, which corresponds to Grade1 in the AEC-Q100 [NOTE 3].
This product is equipped with a charge pump that can drive an external Nch-MOSFET. The main specifications are shown below (Table 2).

Operating voltage range (excerpt)

Item Symbol Terminal Limit Values  
Min Max Unit
Power supply voltage operating range 1 VCCrng VCC 4.5 5.5 V
Power supply voltage operating range 2 VBrng VB 7 18 V

Electrical Characteristics (extract)

Unless otherwise specified, VB=7 to 18V, VCC=4.5 to 5.5V (VB≧VCC) and Ta=-40 to 125℃.

Item Symbol Terminal Limit Values  
Min Typ. Max Unit
Charge pump voltage VCP1 VCP VB+5 VB+11 VB+14 V
Between the high-side GSs
Drive voltage
VGSHSSNK1 GH1, GH2 - - 0.5 V
Between the low-side GSs
Drive voltage
VGSLSSRC1 GL1, GL2 8.9 11 14 V
VGSLSSNK1 GL1, GL2 - - 0.5 V
Between the high-side GSs
Drive output resistance
Source direction
Ronhssrc GH1, GH2 250 500 1000 Ω
Between the high-side GSs
Drive output resistance
Sink direction
Ronhssnk GH1, GH2 20 50 150 Ω
Between the low-side GSs
Drive output resistance
Source direction
Ronlssrc GL1, GL2 250 500 1000 Ω
Between the low-side GSs
Drive output resistance
Sink direction
Ronlssnk GL1, GL2 20 50 150 Ω


MODE setting:
Two types of mode selectable: H-bridge mode /Half-bridge mode

VDS Detect Level Setting:
This is the setting of the function to monitor abnormalities in the drain-source voltage of external Nch-MOSFETs.
The detection level can be set in 4 steps (disable function, 0.3V, 0.6V, 0.9V).

Free loan of product evaluation boards

To enable customers to easily verify the characteristics of the TB9084FTG, we provide evaluation boards on free of charge. Of course, engineering samples can be submitted. Please contact our sales staff or our business partners at your service.
The size of the evaluation board is 95mm×75mm.
For customer convenience, switches, jumpers, and connectors are mounted as appropriate.

Toshiba is currently working to enhance a product lineup of ICs that control motors for automotive equipment. We will contribute to the electrification of automotive equipment and the improvement of comfort by introducing products to the market that optimize the functions and performance built into ICs to meet customers' needs.

[Note 1] Abbreviation for Electronic Control Unit, a device in which electronic components are mounted on a board.
[Note 2] According to our research in April 2022.
[Note 3] Reliability testing and other standards for automotive ICs defined by the Automotive Electronics Council.


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