General-purpose logic ICs (CMOS logic ICs/one-gate logic (L-MOS)) are made into series (family) based on operating voltage range, propagation delay time (speed), output current, input tolerance, etc.
These are often used for the purpose of signal conversion, distribution, switching, etc. in the control board of electronic equipment and the interface between boards.
The features of each series are as follows.
Type |
Series Name |
CMOS Logic ICs Series No. |
One-Gate Logic ( L-MOS ) Equivalent |
Operating Voltage Range VCC (V) |
Propagation |
Output Current *2 IOUT (mA) |
Input-Tolerant |
Output Power-down Protection |
For 5 V Systems |
Standard |
3 to 18 |
200 |
±0.51 |
△*3 |
- |
High Speed |
2 to 6 |
23 |
±4.0 or ±6.0 |
△*3 |
- |
4.5 to 5.5 |
31 |
- | ||||||
Advanced |
2 to 5.5 |
8.5 |
±24 |
- |
- |
4.5 to 5.5 |
9.0 |
Very High Speed |
2 to 5.5 |
8.5 |
±8.0 |
● |
- |
10 |
4.5 to 5.5 |
9.5 |
● |
●*4 |
1.8 to 5.5 |
8.5 |
±16 |
● |
● |
For low |
Low Voltage |
1.65 to 3.6 |
6.5 |
±24 |
● |
●*5 |
Very Low Voltage |
1.2 to 3.6 |
4.2 |
±24 |
● |
● |
*1: Maximum propagation delay time of typical ICs (TC4001, TC74HC244, TC74HCT244, TC74AC244, TC74ACT244, 74VHC244, 74VHC9541 (An-Yn), VHCT244, VHCV244, 74LCX244, and TC74VCX244) at -40 to 85 °C, except for the TC4001 for which the maximum propagation delay time at 25 °C is shown.
*2: Those output current values are from DC Characteristics table of the datasheet. In addition, they are specified in absolute maximum ratings.
*3: TC4049BF/BP, TC4050BF/BP, TC74HC4049BP/BF/BFT, 74HC4049D, TC74HC4050BP/BF/BFT and 74HC4050D have the input-tolerant function that allows level shifting from a higher voltage to a lower voltage.
*4: The TC7SET series and TC7SZU04/TC7WZU04 does not have an output power-down protection function.
*5: The TC7SZ series in the fSV package do not have an output power-down protection function except those with an open-drain output.
The following documents also contain related information.