A transistor is a semiconductor device that has at least three terminals and functions to amplify electrical signals and act as a switch. Depending on their structure, they are broadly divided into bipolar transistors (BJT) and field effect transistors (FET). In addition, there are also insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT), which have MOSFET input stages and BJT characteristics in the output stages.
Fig. 1 shows the classification of transistors. There is also an explanation in the FAQ below.
FAQ: What types of transistors are available?
A simplified structural diagram and symbols for various transistors are shown in Fig. 2.
Let's think about the operation of BJT from a physical perspective. A transistor is a current-controlled element that amplifies the base current to pass the collector current, but here we will explain it in terms of the voltage applied to the base rather than the base current. Fig. 5 shows the energy band diagram of an NPN transistor.
If the impurity concentrations of the emitter, base, and collector of an NPN transistor are NE, NB, and NC, respectively, then NE >> NB > NC. There are free electrons or holes in proportion to this impurity concentration. In addition, the energy of each free electron follows the Fermi distribution (Fermi-Dirac distribution).
In a no-bias state, a built-in potential (the energy difference between the lowest limit of the emitter's conduction band and the lowest limit of the base's conduction band) occurs at each pn junction due to the generation of a depletion layer, creating an energy barrier. The emitter electrons cannot cross this barrier, and no current flows between the collector and emitter.
In the circuit shown in Fig. 3, applying a forward bias (VBE higher than the on-voltage) between the base and emitter lowers the energy barrier.
Some of the free electrons (free electrons in the emitter with energy higher than this energy barrier) cross the barrier and diffuse into the base. At the same time, holes are injected into the base as base current. However, since NE >> NB, the number of free electrons diffused from the emitter is much greater than the number of holes in the base. Some of the diffused free electrons recombine with holes, but because the number of holes is small compared to the number of free electrons (difference in impurity concentration between the base and collector) and the thickness (width) of the base is thin, most of them drift due to the electric field between the base and collector and flow into the collector. This is the collector current.
As shown in Fig. 7, an N-ch MOSFET has an N-type semiconductor embedded in a P-type semiconductor, which serves as the source and drain.
N-type semiconductors usually have an excess of electrons, and P-type semiconductors usually have an excess of holes. When a voltage (VGS) is applied between the gate and source, the gate electrode and the P-type semiconductor directly below it act like a capacitor. When a voltage is applied between the gate and source, the electrode plate side becomes positively charged, and the P-type semiconductor side becomes negatively charged (electrons gather and there is an excess of electrons). In other words, negative charges gather on the surface of the P-type semiconductor directly below the gate, resulting in a state in which there are many free electrons. This state is called an inversion layer because it is a P-type semiconductor but has the same properties as an N-type semiconductor.
Fig. 7 shows the process by which an inversion layer is formed. A voltage VGS is applied to the gate from an unbiased state. First, before the inversion layer is formed, the holes in the P-type semiconductor that faces the gate electrode disappear, creating a depletion layer. When the voltage called the threshold voltage VT is reached, an inversion layer is formed. The source and drain are connected by this inversion layer. This inversion layer is called the channel, and in this example, since it is an N-type channel, it is an N-ch MOSFET.
When a MOSFET transitions from OFF to ON, a charging current is required for this capacitor, but once it is turned on, no current like the base current of a BJT is required, making it possible to save power. (However, MOSFETs for power applications have a large parasitic capacitor, and a drive circuit is required to quickly charge this capacitance and turn it on.)
For more information on conductivity modulation, please refer to the following FAQ.
Transistors are used in all kinds of electronic devices and are mainly used in circuits that switch (on/off) or amplify electrical signals. Examples of switches include circuits that turn on/off at logic signal levels (up to 5V) and switching power supplies. Amplification circuits are also used not only for simple signal amplification but also for oscillation circuits. As you can see, transistors are used in a wide range of applications.
Both BJTs and MOSFETs can be used in these circuits. The choice between BJTs and MOSFETs depends on which characteristics (speed, loss, gain, etc.) are important in the circuit and what voltage, current, and frequency are used.
For reference, we have listed keywords related to each device.
-MOSFET: low power consumption, high-speed switching, high input impedance
-BJT: analog (linearity, high gain), low noise, turns on at low voltage (on voltage of about 0.7V)
Some circuit examples are shown below.
Fig. 10 Example of a circuit using a transistor
If you are interested in switching power supplies, please also refer to the following video.
[e-Learning] Full Bridge Converter - Basics of Switching Power Supplies (5)
[e-Learning] DC-DC Converter - Basics of Switching Power Supplies (6)
[e-Learning] Resonant Half Bridge Converter - Basics of Switching Power Supplies (7)
[e-Learning] Bridgeless PFC - Basics of Switching Power Supplies (8)
Toshiba's BJTs and MOSFETs are available in a wide range of packages, from small packages to packages for power applications. We also offer composite types such as 2-in-1.
The following documents also contain related information.
* Company names, product names, and service names used in this FAQ may be of their respective companies.