Automotive Brake Control

Automotive Brake Control

Such as reduction of power consumption and miniaturization are important in designing brake control. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for brake actuator unit, motor driving unit and power supply units, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.



Switch Switch Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor · · · · · · · · Signal Conditioning Circuit Signal ConditioningCircuit Brake Control Brake Control TVS TVS Other ECU Other ECU CAN Line CAN Line Speed Steering Yaw rate Acceleration SpeedSteeringYaw rateAcceleration Battery (12 V) Battery(12 V) Power Supply Power Supply Reverse Battery Protection and Load Switch Reverse Battery Protectionand Load Switch Brake Actuator Brake Actuator MCU MCU Power supply ON/OFF control and reverse connection protection circuit Brake actuator for ABS/ESC
Brake actuator for ABS/ESC

Example of actuator control circuits for ABS/ESC

Power supply ON/OFF control and reverse connection protection circuit

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuits using N-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuits using P-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines


Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor · · · · · · · · MCU MCU Other ECU Other ECU CAN Line CAN Line Speed Inter-vehicle Information Accelerator Depression etc. SpeedInter-vehicle Information Accelerator Depressionetc. Battery Battery Power Supply Power Supply Master Cylinder MasterCylinder TVS TVS Reverse Battery Protection Reverse Battery Protection Hydraulic Control Pump Hydraulic Control Pump Hydraulic Control System Hydraulic Control System Pre Pre Gate Driver/Motor Pre Driver Gate Driver/Motor Pre Driver Inverter (for Brushless DC Motor) Inverter(for Brushless DC Motor) M M Power supply ON/OFF control and reverse connection protection circuit Motor drive circuit
Brushless DC motor drive circuit (N-ch type)

Example of a three-phase brushless DC motor drive circuit (N-ch type) for brake control

Power supply ON/OFF control and reverse connection protection circuit

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuits using N-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuits using P-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines


Switch Switch Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor · · · · · · · · MCU MCU Other ECU Other ECU CAN Line CAN Line Speed Inter-vehicle Information Accelerator Depression etc. SpeedInter-vehicle Information Accelerator Depressionetc. Battery Battery Power Supply Power Supply M M TVS TVS Reverse Battery Protection Reverse Battery Protection Pre Pre Gate Driver/Motor Pre Driver Gate Driver/Motor Pre Driver Inverter (for Brushless DC Motor) Inverter(for Brushless DC Motor) Worm Gear WormGear Brake Piston BrakePiston Brake Pad BrakePad Power supply ON/OFF control and reverse connection protection circuit Motor drive circuit
Brushless DC motor drive circuit (N-ch type)

Example of a three-phase brushless DC motor drive circuit (N-ch type) for brake control

Power supply ON/OFF control and reverse connection protection circuit

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuits using N-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuits using P-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines


Brake actuator for ABS/ESC
Brake actuator for ABS/ESC

Example of actuator control circuits for ABS/ESC

Example of actuator control circuits for ABS/ESC
U-MOS Series 40 V N-ch MOSFET
Toshiba Package Name TSON Advance(WF) DPAK+ SOP Advance(WF) DSOP Advance(WF)L S-TOGL L-TOGL
VDSS (Max) [V] 40 40 40 40 40 40
ID (Max) [A] 40 120 150 150 200 400
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.0038 0.00135 0.00079 0.00079 0.00066 0.00030
Polarity N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch
Power supply ON/OFF control and reverse connection protection circuit
Power supply ON/OFF control and reverse connection protection circuit (N-ch type)​

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuits using N-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuits using N-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines
U-MOS Series 40 V N-ch MOSFET
Toshiba Package Name TSON Advance(WF) DPAK+ SOP Advance(WF) DSOP Advance(WF)L S-TOGL L-TOGL
VDSS (Max) [V] 40 40 40 40 40 40
ID (Max) [A] 40 120 150 150 200 400
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.0038 0.00135 0.00079 0.00079 0.00066 0.00030
Polarity N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch
Gate driver (for switch)
Toshiba Package name PS-8 SSOP16 WSON10A
VBB (Max) [V]      
VCC (Max) [V]      
IO (Max) [A] +5mA/ Internally Limited   Internally Limited /-5m
General purpose small signal MOSFET
Toshiba Package Name SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-723 (VESM)
VDSS (Max) [V] 60 -60 -20
ID (Max) [A] 0.4 -0.4 -0.8
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 4.5 [V] 1.75 1.9 0.39
Polarity N-ch P-ch P-ch
General purpose small signal bipolar transistor
Toshiba Package Name SOT-416 (SSM) SOT-416 (SSM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-346 (S-Mini)
VCEO (Max) [V] -50 50 50 -50 50 -50
IC (Max) [A] -0.15 0.15 0.15 -0.15 0.15 -0.15
Small signal bias resistor built-in transistor (BRT)
Toshiba Package Name SOT-563 (ES6) SOT-563 (ES6) SOT-363 (US6) SOT-363 (US6)
VCEO (Q1) (Max) [V] 50 -50 50 -50
VCEO (Q2) (Max) [V] 50 -50 50 -50
IC (Q1) (Max) [A] 0.1 -0.1 0.1 -0.1
IC (Q2) (Max) [A] 0.1 -0.1 0.1 -0.1
Polarity (Q1) NPN PNP NPN PNP
Polarity (Q2) NPN PNP NPN PNP
TVS diode (for CAN communication)
Toshiba Package Name SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM)
VESD (Max) [kV] +/-30 +/-25 +/-20
IR (Max) [µA] 0.1 0.1 0.1
Rdyn (Typ.) [Ω] 0.8 1.1 1.5
CT (Typ.) [pF] @ VR = 0 [V], f = 1 [MHz] 9 9 6.5
Power supply IC (for MCU)
Toshiba Package Name SSOP20
Product Category Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer
Power supply IC (for MCU, built-in tracker)
Toshiba Package Name HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50
Product Category Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer
Power supply ON/OFF control and reverse connection protection circuit (P-ch type)​

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuits using P-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuits using P-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines
U-MOS series -40 V / -60 V P-ch MOSFET
Toshiba Package Name TSON Advance(WF) DPAK+ DPAK+ SOP Advance(WF) SOP Advance(WF)
VDSS (Max) [V] -40 -40 -60 -40 -60
ID (Max) [A] -40 -90 -60 -100 -90
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.0096 0.0043 0.0112 0.0031 0.0083
Polarity P-ch P-ch P-ch P-ch P-ch
General purpose small signal MOSFET
Toshiba Package Name SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-723 (VESM)
VDSS (Max) [V] 60 -60 -20
ID (Max) [A] 0.4 -0.4 -0.8
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 4.5 [V] 1.75 1.9 0.39
Polarity N-ch P-ch P-ch
General purpose small signal bipolar transistor
Toshiba Package Name SOT-416 (SSM) SOT-416 (SSM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-346 (S-Mini)
VCEO (Max) [V] -50 50 50 -50 50 -50
IC (Max) [A] -0.15 0.15 0.15 -0.15 0.15 -0.15
Small signal bias resistor built-in transistor (BRT)
Toshiba Package Name SOT-563 (ES6) SOT-563 (ES6) SOT-363 (US6) SOT-363 (US6)
VCEO (Q1) (Max) [V] 50 -50 50 -50
VCEO (Q2) (Max) [V] 50 -50 50 -50
IC (Q1) (Max) [A] 0.1 -0.1 0.1 -0.1
IC (Q2) (Max) [A] 0.1 -0.1 0.1 -0.1
Polarity (Q1) NPN PNP NPN PNP
Polarity (Q2) NPN PNP NPN PNP
TVS diode (for CAN communication)
Toshiba Package Name SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM)
VESD (Max) [kV] +/-30 +/-25 +/-20
IR (Max) [µA] 0.1 0.1 0.1
Rdyn (Typ.) [Ω] 0.8 1.1 1.5
CT (Typ.) [pF] @ VR = 0 [V], f = 1 [MHz] 9 9 6.5
Power supply IC (for MCU)
Toshiba Package Name SSOP20
Product Category Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer
Power supply IC (for MCU, built-in tracker)
Toshiba Package Name HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50
Product Category Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer
Brushless DC motor drive circuit (N-ch type)
Brushless DC motor drive circuit (N-ch type)

Example of a three-phase brushless DC motor drive circuit (N-ch type) for brake control

Example of a three-phase brushless DC motor drive circuit (N-ch type) for brake control
U-MOS Series 40 V N-ch MOSFET
Toshiba Package Name TSON Advance(WF) DPAK+ SOP Advance(WF) DSOP Advance(WF)L S-TOGL L-TOGL
VDSS (Max) [V] 40 40 40 40 40 40
ID (Max) [A] 40 120 150 150 200 400
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.0038 0.00135 0.00079 0.00079 0.00066 0.00030
Polarity N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch
Gate driver (for motor)
Toshiba Package name PS-8 WQFN32 SSOP30
VBB (Max) [V]      
VCC (Max) [V]      
IO (Max) [A] +0.5/-0.5 +1.5/-1 +1.5/-1
Brushless DC motor pre driver
Toshiba Package Name QFP64-P-1010-0.50C P-VQFN48-0707-0.50-005
Product Category Pre-driver for automobile Pre-driver for automobile
Power supply IC (for MCU)
Toshiba Package Name SSOP20
Product Category Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer
Power supply IC (for MCU, built-in tracker)
Toshiba Package Name HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50
Product Category Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer
Power supply ON/OFF control and reverse connection protection circuit
Power supply ON/OFF control and reverse connection protection circuit (N-ch type)​

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuits using N-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuits using N-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines
U-MOS Series 40 V N-ch MOSFET
Toshiba Package Name TSON Advance(WF) DPAK+ SOP Advance(WF) DSOP Advance(WF)L S-TOGL L-TOGL
VDSS (Max) [V] 40 40 40 40 40 40
ID (Max) [A] 40 120 150 150 200 400
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.0038 0.00135 0.00079 0.00079 0.00066 0.00030
Polarity N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch
Gate driver (for switch)
Toshiba Package name PS-8 SSOP16 WSON10A
VBB (Max) [V]      
VCC (Max) [V]      
IO (Max) [A] +5mA/ Internally Limited   Internally Limited /-5m
General purpose small signal MOSFET
Toshiba Package Name SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-723 (VESM)
VDSS (Max) [V] 60 -60 -20
ID (Max) [A] 0.4 -0.4 -0.8
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 4.5 [V] 1.75 1.9 0.39
Polarity N-ch P-ch P-ch
General purpose small signal bipolar transistor
Toshiba Package Name SOT-416 (SSM) SOT-416 (SSM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-346 (S-Mini)
VCEO (Max) [V] -50 50 50 -50 50 -50
IC (Max) [A] -0.15 0.15 0.15 -0.15 0.15 -0.15
Small signal bias resistor built-in transistor (BRT)
Toshiba Package Name SOT-563 (ES6) SOT-563 (ES6) SOT-363 (US6) SOT-363 (US6)
VCEO (Q1) (Max) [V] 50 -50 50 -50
VCEO (Q2) (Max) [V] 50 -50 50 -50
IC (Q1) (Max) [A] 0.1 -0.1 0.1 -0.1
IC (Q2) (Max) [A] 0.1 -0.1 0.1 -0.1
Polarity (Q1) NPN PNP NPN PNP
Polarity (Q2) NPN PNP NPN PNP
TVS diode (for CAN communication)
Toshiba Package Name SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM)
VESD (Max) [kV] +/-30 +/-25 +/-20
IR (Max) [µA] 0.1 0.1 0.1
Rdyn (Typ.) [Ω] 0.8 1.1 1.5
CT (Typ.) [pF] @ VR = 0 [V], f = 1 [MHz] 9 9 6.5
Power supply IC (for MCU)
Toshiba Package Name SSOP20
Product Category Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer
Power supply IC (for MCU, built-in tracker)
Toshiba Package Name HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50
Product Category Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer
Power supply ON/OFF control and reverse connection protection circuit (P-ch type)​

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuits using P-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuits using P-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines
U-MOS series -40 V / -60 V P-ch MOSFET
Toshiba Package Name TSON Advance(WF) DPAK+ DPAK+ SOP Advance(WF) SOP Advance(WF)
VDSS (Max) [V] -40 -40 -60 -40 -60
ID (Max) [A] -40 -90 -60 -100 -90
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.0096 0.0043 0.0112 0.0031 0.0083
Polarity P-ch P-ch P-ch P-ch P-ch
General purpose small signal MOSFET
Toshiba Package Name SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-723 (VESM)
VDSS (Max) [V] 60 -60 -20
ID (Max) [A] 0.4 -0.4 -0.8
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 4.5 [V] 1.75 1.9 0.39
Polarity N-ch P-ch P-ch
General purpose small signal bipolar transistor
Toshiba Package Name SOT-416 (SSM) SOT-416 (SSM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-346 (S-Mini)
VCEO (Max) [V] -50 50 50 -50 50 -50
IC (Max) [A] -0.15 0.15 0.15 -0.15 0.15 -0.15
Small signal bias resistor built-in transistor (BRT)
Toshiba Package Name SOT-563 (ES6) SOT-563 (ES6) SOT-363 (US6) SOT-363 (US6)
VCEO (Q1) (Max) [V] 50 -50 50 -50
VCEO (Q2) (Max) [V] 50 -50 50 -50
IC (Q1) (Max) [A] 0.1 -0.1 0.1 -0.1
IC (Q2) (Max) [A] 0.1 -0.1 0.1 -0.1
Polarity (Q1) NPN PNP NPN PNP
Polarity (Q2) NPN PNP NPN PNP
TVS diode (for CAN communication)
Toshiba Package Name SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM)
VESD (Max) [kV] +/-30 +/-25 +/-20
IR (Max) [µA] 0.1 0.1 0.1
Rdyn (Typ.) [Ω] 0.8 1.1 1.5
CT (Typ.) [pF] @ VR = 0 [V], f = 1 [MHz] 9 9 6.5
Power supply IC (for MCU)
Toshiba Package Name SSOP20
Product Category Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer
Power supply IC (for MCU, built-in tracker)
Toshiba Package Name HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50
Product Category Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer
Brushless DC motor drive circuit (N-ch type)
Brushless DC motor drive circuit (N-ch type)

Example of a three-phase brushless DC motor drive circuit (N-ch type) for brake control

Example of a three-phase brushless DC motor drive circuit (N-ch type) for brake control
U-MOS Series 40 V N-ch MOSFET
Toshiba Package Name TSON Advance(WF) DPAK+ SOP Advance(WF) DSOP Advance(WF)L S-TOGL L-TOGL
VDSS (Max) [V] 40 40 40 40 40 40
ID (Max) [A] 40 120 150 150 200 400
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.0038 0.00135 0.00079 0.00079 0.00066 0.00030
Polarity N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch
Gate driver (for motor)
Toshiba Package name PS-8 WQFN32 SSOP30
VBB (Max) [V]      
VCC (Max) [V]      
IO (Max) [A] +0.5/-0.5 +1.5/-1 +1.5/-1
Brushless DC motor pre driver
Toshiba Package Name QFP64-P-1010-0.50C P-VQFN48-0707-0.50-005
Product Category Pre-driver for automobile Pre-driver for automobile
Power supply IC (for MCU)
Toshiba Package Name SSOP20
Product Category Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer
Power supply IC (for MCU, built-in tracker)
Toshiba Package Name HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50
Product Category Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer
Power supply ON/OFF control and reverse connection protection circuit
Power supply ON/OFF control and reverse connection protection circuit (N-ch type)​

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuits using N-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuits using N-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines
U-MOS Series 40 V N-ch MOSFET
Toshiba Package Name TSON Advance(WF) DPAK+ SOP Advance(WF) DSOP Advance(WF)L S-TOGL L-TOGL
VDSS (Max) [V] 40 40 40 40 40 40
ID (Max) [A] 40 120 150 150 200 400
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.0038 0.00135 0.00079 0.00079 0.00066 0.00030
Polarity N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch
Gate driver (for switch)
Toshiba Package name PS-8 SSOP16 WSON10A
VBB (Max) [V]      
VCC (Max) [V]      
IO (Max) [A] +5mA/ Internally Limited   Internally Limited /-5m
General purpose small signal MOSFET
Toshiba Package Name SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-723 (VESM)
VDSS (Max) [V] 60 -60 -20
ID (Max) [A] 0.4 -0.4 -0.8
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 4.5 [V] 1.75 1.9 0.39
Polarity N-ch P-ch P-ch
General purpose small signal bipolar transistor
Toshiba Package Name SOT-416 (SSM) SOT-416 (SSM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-346 (S-Mini)
VCEO (Max) [V] -50 50 50 -50 50 -50
IC (Max) [A] -0.15 0.15 0.15 -0.15 0.15 -0.15
Small signal bias resistor built-in transistor (BRT)
Toshiba Package Name SOT-563 (ES6) SOT-563 (ES6) SOT-363 (US6) SOT-363 (US6)
VCEO (Q1) (Max) [V] 50 -50 50 -50
VCEO (Q2) (Max) [V] 50 -50 50 -50
IC (Q1) (Max) [A] 0.1 -0.1 0.1 -0.1
IC (Q2) (Max) [A] 0.1 -0.1 0.1 -0.1
Polarity (Q1) NPN PNP NPN PNP
Polarity (Q2) NPN PNP NPN PNP
TVS diode (for CAN communication)
Toshiba Package Name SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM)
VESD (Max) [kV] +/-30 +/-25 +/-20
IR (Max) [µA] 0.1 0.1 0.1
Rdyn (Typ.) [Ω] 0.8 1.1 1.5
CT (Typ.) [pF] @ VR = 0 [V], f = 1 [MHz] 9 9 6.5
Power supply IC (for MCU)
Toshiba Package Name SSOP20
Product Category Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer
Power supply IC (for MCU, built-in tracker)
Toshiba Package Name HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50
Product Category Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer
Power supply ON/OFF control and reverse connection protection circuit (P-ch type)​

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuits using P-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines

Example of ON/OFF control and reverse connection protecting circuits using P-ch MOSFET for 12 V power lines
U-MOS series -40 V / -60 V P-ch MOSFET
Toshiba Package Name TSON Advance(WF) DPAK+ DPAK+ SOP Advance(WF) SOP Advance(WF)
VDSS (Max) [V] -40 -40 -60 -40 -60
ID (Max) [A] -40 -90 -60 -100 -90
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.0096 0.0043 0.0112 0.0031 0.0083
Polarity P-ch P-ch P-ch P-ch P-ch
General purpose small signal MOSFET
Toshiba Package Name SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-723 (VESM)
VDSS (Max) [V] 60 -60 -20
ID (Max) [A] 0.4 -0.4 -0.8
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 4.5 [V] 1.75 1.9 0.39
Polarity N-ch P-ch P-ch
General purpose small signal bipolar transistor
Toshiba Package Name SOT-416 (SSM) SOT-416 (SSM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-346 (S-Mini) SOT-346 (S-Mini)
VCEO (Max) [V] -50 50 50 -50 50 -50
IC (Max) [A] -0.15 0.15 0.15 -0.15 0.15 -0.15
Small signal bias resistor built-in transistor (BRT)
Toshiba Package Name SOT-563 (ES6) SOT-563 (ES6) SOT-363 (US6) SOT-363 (US6)
VCEO (Q1) (Max) [V] 50 -50 50 -50
VCEO (Q2) (Max) [V] 50 -50 50 -50
IC (Q1) (Max) [A] 0.1 -0.1 0.1 -0.1
IC (Q2) (Max) [A] 0.1 -0.1 0.1 -0.1
Polarity (Q1) NPN PNP NPN PNP
Polarity (Q2) NPN PNP NPN PNP
TVS diode (for CAN communication)
Toshiba Package Name SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM) SOT-323 (USM)
VESD (Max) [kV] +/-30 +/-25 +/-20
IR (Max) [µA] 0.1 0.1 0.1
Rdyn (Typ.) [Ω] 0.8 1.1 1.5
CT (Typ.) [pF] @ VR = 0 [V], f = 1 [MHz] 9 9 6.5
Power supply IC (for MCU)
Toshiba Package Name SSOP20
Product Category Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer
Power supply IC (for MCU, built-in tracker)
Toshiba Package Name HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50 HTSSOP48-P-300-0.50
Product Category Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer Automobile CPU regulator, built-in watchdog timer




Example of TPD7106F Application Circuit.
Single-Output High-Side N-Channel Power MOSFET Gate Driver Application and Circuit of the TPD7106F
This reference design provides examples of application circuit and simulation for TPD7106F which features power supply reverse connection, charge pumpccircuit and others.
Short circuit detection circuit block diagram of single-output High-Side N-Channel Power MOSFET Gate Driver application and circuit of the TPD7104AF.
Single-Output High-Side N-Channel Power MOSFET Gate Driver Application and Circuit of the TPD7104AF
This reference design provides examples of application circuit and simulation for TPD7104AF which features short load protection, reverse power connection protection and others.









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MCU Motor Studio

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