LED lighting

LED lighting

Such as high efficiency, low power consumption and miniaturization are important in designing LED lighting. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for power supply units, sensor signal input units, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.



 100 to 240 V AC 100 to 240 V AC DC-DC DC-DC Human sensor (Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor) Human sensor (Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor) Switches Switches IR Receiver IR Receiver Ambient Light Sensor Ambient Light Sensor LED Driver LEDDriver Wi-Fi® SoC Wi-Fi® SoC MCU, LED Driver, Op-amp, Wi-Fi® SoC MCU, LED Driver, Op-amp, Wi-Fi® SoC N-ch MOSFET N-chMOSFET N-ch MOSFET N-chMOSFET N-ch MOSFET N-chMOSFET N-ch MOSFET N-chMOSFET PFC Controller PFCController MCU MCU Ambient light sensor circuit PFC circuit Active type DC-DC converter circuit Human sensor circuit LED drive circuit
PFC circuit Active type

Example of the active type PFC circuit

DC-DC converter circuit

Example of flyback type DC-DC converter circuit

Example of forward type DC-DC converter circuit

LED drive circuit

Example of LED drive circuit using a MOSFET as a low side switch

Human sensor circuit

Example of the circuit using operational amplifier for amplifying human sensor signal

Ambient light sensor circuit

Example of the circuit using operational amplifier for amplifying ambient light sensor signal


PFC circuit Active type
PFC circuit Active type

Example of the active type PFC circuit

Example of the active type PFC circuit
Toshiba Package Name TOLL TO-247
VDSS (Max) [V] 650 650
ID (Max) [A] 38 57
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.065 0.04
Polarity N-ch N-ch
Toshiba Package Name TO-247 TO-247 TO-247-4L(X) TO-247-4L(X)
VDSS (Max) [V] 650 1200 650 1200
ID (Max) [A] 20 20 20 20
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 18.0 [V] 0.145 0.182 0.152 0.191
Polarity N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch
Transistor Output Photocouplers
Toshiba Package Name 4pin SO6L SO4 4pin SO6L
BVS (Min) [Vrms] @ t = 60 [s] 5000 3750 5000
VCEO (Max) [V] 80 80 80
Topr [°C] -55 to 125 -55 to 125 -55 to 110
MCU TXZ+TM 3A Series M3H Group
Series TXZ+TM3A Series
Group M3H Group
DC-DC converter circuit
DC-DC converter circuit Flyback type

Example of flyback type DC-DC converter circuit

Example of flyback type DC-DC converter circuit
Toshiba Package Name TOLL TO-247
VDSS (Max) [V] 650 650
ID (Max) [A] 38 57
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.065 0.04
Polarity N-ch N-ch
Toshiba Package Name TO-247 TO-247 TO-247-4L(X) TO-247-4L(X)
VDSS (Max) [V] 650 1200 650 1200
ID (Max) [A] 20 20 20 20
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 18.0 [V] 0.145 0.182 0.152 0.191
Polarity N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch
U-MOS Series MOSFET (30 V / 40 V)
Toshiba Package Name DSOP Advance DSOP Advance SOP Advance SOP Advance
VDSS (Max) [V] 30 40 40 40
ID (Max) [A] 412 340 400 340
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.0006 0.0008 0.00074 0.00085
Polarity N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch
U-MOS Series MOSFET (80 V)(1)
Toshiba Package Name SOP Advance SOP Advance(N) TSON Advance TSON Advance TSON Advance
VDSS (Max) [V] 80 80 80 80 80
ID (Max) [A] 120 86 32 26 34
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.00243 0.004 0.0084 0.0123 0.019
Polarity N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch
U-MOS Series MOSFET (80 V)(2)
Toshiba Package Name DPAK DPAK
VDSS (Max) [V] 80 80
ID (Max) [A] 84 62
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.0051 0.0069
Polarity N-ch N-ch
Transistor output photocoupler
Toshiba Package Name 4pin SO6L SO4 4pin SO6L
BVS (Min) [Vrms] @ t = 60 [s] 5000 3750 5000
VCEO (Max) [V] 80 80 80
Topr [°C] -55 to 125 -55 to 125 -55 to 110
DC-DC converter circuit Forward type

Example of forward type DC-DC converter circuit

Example of forward type DC-DC converter circuit
Toshiba Package Name TOLL TO-247
VDSS (Max) [V] 650 650
ID (Max) [A] 38 57
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.065 0.04
Polarity N-ch N-ch
Toshiba Package Name TO-247 TO-247 TO-247-4L(X) TO-247-4L(X)
VDSS (Max) [V] 650 1200 650 1200
ID (Max) [A] 20 20 20 20
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 18.0 [V] 0.145 0.182 0.152 0.191
Polarity N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch
U-MOS Series MOSFET (30 V / 40 V)
Toshiba Package Name DSOP Advance DSOP Advance SOP Advance SOP Advance
VDSS (Max) [V] 30 40 40 40
ID (Max) [A] 412 340 400 340
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.0006 0.0008 0.00074 0.00085
Polarity N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch
U-MOS Series MOSFET (80 V)(1)
Toshiba Package Name SOP Advance SOP Advance(N) TSON Advance TSON Advance TSON Advance
VDSS (Max) [V] 80 80 80 80 80
ID (Max) [A] 120 86 32 26 34
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.00243 0.004 0.0084 0.0123 0.019
Polarity N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch
U-MOS Series MOSFET (80 V)(2)
Toshiba Package Name DPAK DPAK
VDSS (Max) [V] 80 80
ID (Max) [A] 84 62
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.0051 0.0069
Polarity N-ch N-ch
Transistor output photocoupler
Toshiba Package Name 4pin SO6L SO4 4pin SO6L
BVS (Min) [Vrms] @ t = 60 [s] 5000 3750 5000
VCEO (Max) [V] 80 80 80
Topr [°C] -55 to 125 -55 to 125 -55 to 110
LED drive circuit
LED drive circuit

Example of LED drive circuit using a MOSFET as a low side switch

Example of LED drive circuit using a MOSFET as a low side switch
U-MOS Series MOSFET (30 V / 40 V)
Toshiba Package Name DSOP Advance DSOP Advance SOP Advance SOP Advance
VDSS (Max) [V] 30 40 40 40
ID (Max) [A] 412 340 400 340
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.0006 0.0008 0.00074 0.00085
Polarity N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch
U-MOS Series MOSFET (80 V) (1)
Toshiba Package Name SOP Advance SOP Advance(N) TSON Advance TSON Advance TSON Advance
VDSS (Max) [V] 80 80 80 80 80
ID (Max) [A] 120 86 32 26 34
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.00243 0.004 0.0084 0.0123 0.019
Polarity N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch N-ch
U-MOS Series MOSFET (80 V) (2)
Toshiba Package Name DPAK DPAK
VDSS (Max) [V] 80 80
ID (Max) [A] 84 62
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V] 0.0051 0.0069
Polarity N-ch N-ch
MCU TXZ+TM 3A Series M3H Group
Series TXZ+TM3A Series
Group M3H Group
Human sensor circuit
Human sensor circuit

Example of the circuit using operational amplifier for amplifying human sensor signal

Example of the circuit using operational amplifier for amplifying human sensor signal
Small surface mount LDO regulator(1)
Toshiba Package Name WCSP6F WCSP6F DFN5B DFN5B
IOUT (Max) [mA] 1500 1300 800 500
VOUT [V] 0.6 to 3.6 0.55 to 3.6 0.8 to 3.6 0.8 to 3.6
Small surface mount LDO regulator(2)
Toshiba Package Name WCSP4F DFN4F WCSP4F SOT-553 (ESV) SOT-25 (SMV)
IOUT (Max) [mA] 500 300 300 200 200
VOUT [V] 0.9 to 5.0 0.9 to 4.5 0.8 to 5.0 0.8 to 3.6 1.5 to 5.0
Low current consumption op-amp / Low noise op-amp
Toshiba Package Name SOT-25 (SMV) SOT-353F (UFV)
VCC (Max) [V] 5.5 5.5
VCC, VEE (Max) [V] +/-2.75 +/-2.75
Ambient light sensor circuit
Ambient light sensor circuit

Example of the circuit using operational amplifier for amplifying ambient light sensor signal

Example of the circuit using operational amplifier for amplifying ambient light sensor signal
Small surface mount LDO regulator(1)
Toshiba Package Name WCSP6F WCSP6F DFN5B DFN5B
IOUT (Max) [mA] 1500 1300 800 500
VOUT [V] 0.6 to 3.6 0.55 to 3.6 0.8 to 3.6 0.8 to 3.6
Small surface mount LDO regulator(2)
Toshiba Package Name WCSP4F DFN4F WCSP4F SOT-553 (ESV) SOT-25 (SMV)
IOUT (Max) [mA] 500 300 300 200 200
VOUT [V] 0.9 to 5.0 0.9 to 4.5 0.8 to 5.0 0.8 to 3.6 1.5 to 5.0
Low current consumption op-amp / Low noise op-amp
Toshiba Package Name SOT-25 (SMV) SOT-353F (UFV)
VCC (Max) [V] 5.5 5.5
VCC, VEE (Max) [V] +/-2.75 +/-2.75




3-Phase Inverter Using SiC MOSFET
This reference design provides design guide, data and other contents of the 3-phase inverter using 1200 V SiC MOSFET. It drives AC 440V motors.
Power supply circuit example of LDO regulator TCR3UG series application for power supply of IoT devices.
LDO Regulator TCR3UG Series Application for Power Supply of IoT Devices
This reference design provides document with low consumption current, PSRR, and dynamic response.The LDO has small package, low consumed power, and fast load transient response.
Power supply circuit example of LDO regulator TCR15AG (fixed output voltage type) application & circuit.
LDO Regulator TCR15AG (fixed output voltage type) Application & Circuit
This reference design provides document with PSRR, dynamic response and controlling output voltage.The LDO has very small package and fixed output voltage for consumer application.
Power supply circuit example of LDO regulator TCR15AGADJ application & circuit.
LDO Regulator TCR15AGADJ Application & Circuit
This reference design provides document with PSRR, dynamic response and controlling output voltage. The LDO has very small package and adjustable output for consumer application.











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MCU Motor Studio

MCU Motor Studio 具有專用於東芝 TXZ+TM系列高階微控制器的 PC 工具和馬達控制韌體。






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  • TXZ+TM is a trademark of Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation.
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