光繼電器 (MOSFET Output)

光繼電器是一種光耦合器,由MOSFET光耦合的LED組成。與機械繼電器相比,光繼電器具有許多優勢,例如使用壽命長,低電流驅動和響應速度快。光繼電器廣泛用於半導體測試系統,安全系統等中的觸點切換。東芝提供超小型VSON / S-VSON的低R ON ,低C OFF 光繼電器用於半導體測試系統應用的封裝以及具有高電流和高關斷狀態電壓的各種封裝中的通用光繼電器。


You can narrow down the search for applicable products by selecting specifications.

VOFF (Max) (V)
ION (Max) (A)
RON (Max) (Ω)
COFF (Typ.) (pF)
Package name (Toshiba)

You can narrow down your search for applicable products by package type or number of pins.


All package dimensions are guaranteed in millimeters as mentioned on datasheet. Package dimension in inches is round to 2 significant digits converted with 1mm=0.0393701inch.

About information presented in this cross reference

The information presented in this cross reference is based on TOSHIBA's selection criteria and should be treated as a suggestion only. Please carefully review the latest versions of all relevant information on the TOSHIBA products, including without limitation data sheets and validate all operating parameters of the TOSHIBA products to ensure that the suggested TOSHIBA products are truly compatible with your design and application.Please note that this cross reference is based on TOSHIBA's estimate of compatibility with other manufacturers' products, based on other manufacturers' published data, at the time the data was collected.TOSHIBA is not responsible for any incorrect or incomplete information. Information is subject to change at any time without notice.

Contact (Mechanical Relay) and Contactless (Semiconductor Relay)




Such as low power consumption, miniaturization and robust operation are important in designing inverter/servo. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for power supply unit, motor driving circuit units, signal transmission units, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
Human Sensor
Such as low power consumption, miniaturization and robust operation are important in designing human sensor. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for power supply unit, sensor signal input unit, alarm output unit, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.
Smart Plug
Such as AC isolation, high efficiency and miniaturization are important in designing smart plug. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for AC switch units, power supply units, wireless and key switch units, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.








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