1-2. Advantages and disadvantages of linear regulators and switching regulators

Both linear and switching regulators have their own advantages and disadvantages as shown below.

Comparison table of Linear and Switching regulators
  Linear regulators Switching regulators
Step-down conversion Supported Supported
Step-up conversion N/S Supported
Step-up/step-down conversion N/S Supported
Inverting conversion N/S Supported
Part count Low High
Design complexity Simple Complicated
Input-output voltage differential Small*1 Large
Output voltage ripple Small Large
Noise (e.g., EMI) Small Large
Heat generation Large*2 Small

*1  LDO regulators have a small input-output voltage differential, depending on usage conditions.
*2  The amount of heat generated by LDO regulators might be small, depending on usage conditions.

Chapter1 Introduction to Low-Dropout (LDO) Regulators

1-1. Types of voltage regulator ICs
1-3. What is an LDO regulator?
1-4. Need of LDO regulators for electronic systems
1-5. What is a linear regulator?
1-6. Operations of linear and switching regulators
1-7. Principle of operation of series regulators
1-8. Circuit configuration of a series regulator
1-9. Differences between a three-terminal voltage regulator and an LDO regulator

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