1-4. Need of LDO regulators for electronic systems

Conventionally, power supply circuits or regulator ICs (e.g., PMICs*1) have been commonly used on a board to supply the required voltage to each circuit block or IC. Then, the power supply voltage was supplied to each circuit from the power supply circuit and the regulator IC. However, the resistance of a long board trace causes a considerable voltage drop while crosstalk between parallel board traces tends to affect the operation of noise-sensitive devices. To solve these issues, point-of-load (POL) regulator ICs are often used to locally produce the voltage required for each circuit block or IC. 

*1 Power management IC: A type of regulator IC for the management of multiple power supply lines in a system

Nowadays, electronic circuits are becoming increasingly complex and power-efficient to improve the performance, reduce the size, and enhance the versatility of electronic equipment. Under these circumstances, electronic circuits and ICs are shifting to low-voltage operation. In addition, sensors and high-precision analog circuits require low-noise circuit design.

Figure 1.4 Printed circuit board

Chapter1 Introduction to Low-Dropout (LDO) Regulators

1-1. Types of voltage regulator ICs
1-2. Advantages and disadvantages of linear regulators and switching regulators
1-3. What is an LDO regulator?
1-5. What is a linear regulator?
1-6. Operations of linear and switching regulators
1-7. Principle of operation of series regulators
1-8. Circuit configuration of a series regulator
1-9. Differences between a three-terminal voltage regulator and an LDO regulator

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