TX19A/H1 Series Development System

Light On-Chip Debug Emulation System

Light On-Chip Debug Emulation System

The RTE19A/H1 On-Chip Debug Emulation System consists of Integrated Development Environment, RTE19 Light On-Chip Debug Emulator and a communication cable. It provides various debug functions by controlling the on-chip debug function of the microcomputer mounted onto the target system.

  • Capable of debugging in the operating condition equivalent to the MCU installed product.
  • Real-time PC/PD trace.
  • Trace control using an event feature.
  • Capable of referring to the memory during program execution.

Check the product names and numbers at this website
The product information is also provided in "Comprehensive List (Microcomputers)" under "Document" for your use.

Host interface USB2.0 High-speed
Emulation memory internal FLASH ROM
Event Number of points PC bus: 8 points  Data bus: 4 points
Comparison items Address, data, status
Comparison conditionscondition Match, unmatch (Notes-1)
Pass count Once
Event trigger actions Break, trace control, timer control, memory write, memory read
Event combinations OR
Hardware break PC bus: 8 points (Notes-2)
Software break 256 points(settable only on RAM)
Trace memory Capacity 256 frames (Notes-3)
Trace memory Modes Free trace, trigger trace
Trace items PC address, data address, data value, status, tag timer
Trace overflow actions Overwriting, overwriting prohibit, break
Timer measurement Lap timer: 1 channel
Memory access Memory display during program execution Variables: 16 bytes x 32 Memory: Up to 1024 bytes
Memory rewrite during program execution 4 bytes × 4 block can be written simultaneously.
Program variables Display Binary, octal, decimal or hexadecimal display can be selected for each variable.
Registration Variables, arrays, structures and unions can be registered by the elements.
Sauce display - Source
- Source + assembler code
- Source + assembler code + machine language
External output -
External input -
Performance analysis: Module time measurement -
Performance analysis: Coverage measurement -
Flash programming/security feature Internal/external Flash memory can be programmed during debugging.

(Notes-1) Only data bus comparison is unmatch.
(Notes-2) Shared with event break.
(Notes-3) There are some cases where the trace memory capacity varies by a tracing condition or operating status.

Product Configuration and Appearance of RTE19 Light On-Chip Debug Emulator


Content of Product

  • RTE19 Light On-Chip Debug Emulator main body
  • Communication cable (already connected to the emulator main body) (Notes)
  • Communication connector (Notes)
  • One license for downloading the Integrated Development Environment from website.
  • (Notes) Made by Samtec,Inc.
External Dimensions
External Dimensions

Items to Be Prepared by Customer

  • Host system
  • USB cable (emulator side: B-type connector、USB2.0 compatible)
  • Microcomputer on the target system (with on-chip debug function incorporated)

About Connection to Target System

Seeing the following pin assignment table, etc., lay out/mount the Communication Connector (FTSH series 20pin connector made by Samtec, Inc.) on to the target system where the On-chip debug emulation system is to be connected.
One Communication Connector comes with an emulator, but those of the identical series (FTSH series) released from Samtec, Inc. are also available.
[*] of the part number indicates a connector option. When purchasing, choose a suitable option according to its usage. For details specifications, please visit Samtec, Inc. website.

Communication Connector attached to an Emulator

Part Nnumber Note
FTSH-110-01-L-DV-K Surface mount type with keying shroud

Communication Connector Pin Assignment Table

Connector Pin No. Signal Name
1 /TRST (Note-1)
3 TDI -
5 TDO -
7 TMS -
9 TCK -
11 /RESET (Note-1) (open drain)
13 /DINT -
15 /EJE -
17 - Not use
19 - Not use
Connector Pin No. Signal Name Remark
2 GND -
4 GND -
6 GND -
8 GND -
10 GND -
12 - Not use
14 VCC (Note-1)
16 GND
18 GND
20 GND

(Note-1) Refer to the following points of concern in signal wiring.

Note for Layout of Communication Cable Connector
The following figure shows the cable pull-out direction and connector pin position, when the emulator is connected. To design the board, take into account interference with other parts at the time of connecting the communication cable. For a connector size, please visit Samtec, Inc. website.

Note for Layout of Communication Cable Connector


Points of concern in signal connection

  • When a /TRST (Test Reset for JTAG) terminal does not exist in MCU, /TRST of the EJTAG connector need not be connected.
  • Connect /RESET of a connector directly to the /RESET pin of the MCU, connecting wired-OR with output of a reset circuit on a target board. The emulator drives a /RESET signal in order to control resetting of the target system. If the capacity of the reset circuit on the target board is too large or /RESET of the connector is not directly connected to the /RESET pin of the MCU, resetting of the target system may not be successfully controlled. 
    If reset control of the target system is not required, it is needless to connect /RESET of the connector to the /RESET pin of the MCU. In this case, the emulator can control resetting of a microcomputer alone.
  • Connect VCC of the connector to a power pin for the EJTAG pin of the MCU. VCC is used as a power input pin for driving/monitoring an EJTAG signal.


Points of concern in signal wiring

  • Locate the connector within 10cm (4 inches) from the MCU. Specially, wiring the same length in TDI, TDO, TMS and TCK signals. If the connector is located further than 10cm (4 inches) away from the MCU or the length of each signals wire differ extremely, Emulator may not work correctly.
  • Please make VCC/GND wiring between the MCU and the connector into the shortest distance. (Less than 5cm. Even if long, it is less than 10cm.) If VCC/GND wiring becomes long, it may not operate correctly.

About Emulation Operating Voltage/Frequency

  • Any operating frequency and operating voltage in the device operation assurance range is available.
  • Note that the power/clock cannot be supplied from the emulator to the target system.

Limitation of the On-Chip Debug Emulation

  • When connecting an on-chip debug emulator to a debug target system, communication pins are not available as a combined feature because they are occupied by the emulator. 

Precautions for USB Connection

  • The emulator is connected to the host system via the USB. (USB2.0 High-speed)
  • To newly connect the emulator to the host system, it is necessary to install a USB driver.


TX19A/H1 Series OCDE - Accessory

Communication Cable

The communication cable is used to connect the emulator or the FLASH Writer to the target system. It is pre-plugged to the emulator or the FLASH Writer.
The communication cable is available from Samtec, Inc. For detailed specifications, please visit Samtec, Inc. website.

The recommended product can also be purchased from the following agencies.

Name Part Number Remark
Communication cable
FFSD-10-D-07.00-01-N Pre-plugged to the emulator or the FLASH Writer

Communication Connector

The communication connector is used to connect the emulator or the FLASH Writer to the target system. The part numbers shown below are examples. Other mount types, such as through-hole, and other mating options are also available to meet the specific needs of each customer.
The communication connector is available from Samtec, Inc. For detailed specifications, please visit Samtec, Inc. website.

The recommended product can also be purchased from the following agencies.

Name Part Number Remark
Communication connector FTSH-110-01-L-DV-K Surface mount type with keying shroud.
Each emulator comes with one communication connector.





