Digital Value: Notation Method of Data

Data notation of binary numbers  and hexadecimal numbers
Data notation of binary numbers and hexadecimal numbers

The table on the right is a comparison table of decimal numbers, binary numbers, and hexadecimal numbers.

For example, the decimal number 8 can be represented by 1 digit, but the binary number must be represented by 4 digits.
256 requires 3 digits in the decimal number, and 9 digits in the binary number.

Therefore, we utilize the hexadecimal number to make it easier to handle the binary number.
It is easy to handle because the 4 digits of the binary number can be collectively represented as 1 digit in the hexadecimal number.

Chapter 1 Basics of Digital Circuits

Digital Value
Digital Value: Binary and Decimal
Digital Value: Units of Binary Data
Digital Value: Conversion Method of the Data
Logic Circuit
Logic Circuit: AND Circuit
Logic Circuit: OR Circuit
Logic Circuit: NOT Circuit
Logic Circuit: Exclusive OR (XOR) Circuit
Logic Circuit: 3 State Buffer (1)
Logic Circuit: 3 State Buffer (2)
Logic Circuit: Application Example of Logic Circuits
Logic Circuit: RS flip-flop Circuit