Digital Value: Conversion Method of the Data

Data conversion of the binary number
Data conversion of the binary number

Here, we introduce how to easily convert the decimal number to the binary number and the hexadecimal number.
To represent the decimal number 100 as a binary number, firstly divide 100 by 2.
It is divisible by 50 and the remainder is 0.
Next, divide 50 by 2 to get 25, divide 25 by 2, remove 1 of the remainder at this time, and continue the calculation until it is not divided by an integer.
When the remainder of the calculation results are collected in order from the bottom to the top, it is converted to the binary number.
When the decimal number 100 is converted to a binary number, it becomes (1100100).

Data conversion of the hexadecimal number
Data conversion of the hexadecimal number

So what about the hexadecimal number?
If 100 is divided by 16, it is 6 with a remainder of 4.
Therefore, when the decimal number 100 is converted to the hexadecimal number, it becomes 64.

Chapter 1 Basics of Digital Circuits

Digital Value
Digital Value: Binary and Decimal
Digital Value: Units of Binary Data
Digital Value: Notation Method of Data
Logic Circuit
Logic Circuit: AND Circuit
Logic Circuit: OR Circuit
Logic Circuit: NOT Circuit
Logic Circuit: Exclusive OR (XOR) Circuit
Logic Circuit: 3 State Buffer (1)
Logic Circuit: 3 State Buffer (2)
Logic Circuit: Application Example of Logic Circuits
Logic Circuit: RS flip-flop Circuit