Making PWM IO Adjustment in Motor Drivers More Streamlined

Making PWM IO Adjustment in Motor Drivers More Streamlined

Implementing a sensor-less brushless DC (BLDC) motor arrangement has several key advantages. Such arrangements will have few component parts - leading to more compact solutions, with lower bill-of-materials costs, plus greater operational reliability (as there are fewer components, meaning less chance of failure).

Because of specific application demands, it may be necessary for engineers to make alterations to a motor driver’s default setting. This could be with regard to the start-up conditions of the motor - for example, slowing down how soon it ramps up to full speed, so as not to cause excessive stress on the system. Adjustments to the pulse-width modulation (PWM) I/O will be called for. That can, however, prove complex.

To facilitate this process, engineers can use four adjustment points on the Toshiba TB67B001 three-phase motor driver. Through these, it is possible to implement individual adjustments to the PWM I/O curve. The motor rotation speed profile can thereby be easily set so that it is optimal for given application criteria. 

You can find additional information on the TB67B001 PWM motor driver by watching our video: 

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