



Gate Driver Photocuplers
東芝光耦合器適用於驅動IGBT / MOSFET柵極。廣泛的產品陣容包括具有內置過流保護功能和6.0A輸出電流的產品。
Photocouplers for High Speed Communication
Isolation Amplifiers & Isolated Delta - Sigma Modulators
Automotive Photocouplers
Photocouplers for IPM Interface
Transistor Output Photocouplers
Photovoltaic Output Photocouplers (for MOSFET Drive)

Digital Isolators

Standard Digital Isolators
Toshiba Standard Digital Isolator features excellent noise resistance characteristics and high-speed signal transmission. It adopts a wide range of applications, from consumers to industrials where severe design is required.


Toshiba transistor coupler and high speed logic coupler introduction
這部影片的主要目的為從東芝所推廣的總共10種光耦器的產品線當中,特別選出兩種最基本功能的產品系列Transistor Coupler以及High-speed Logic Coupler,為客戶介紹他們的規格,技術,以及應用。


Photorelays (MOSFET Output)
Automotive Photorelays (MOSFET Output)
Triac Output Photocouplers / Thyristor Output Photoouplers
Photovoltaic Output Photocouplers (for MOSFET Drive)


Fiber Couplers (TOSLINK™)
光纖耦合器 (TOSLINK™)是將數字電信號轉換成光信號以傳輸數據的光傳輸設備。


About information presented in this cross reference

The information presented in this cross reference is based on TOSHIBA's selection criteria and should be treated as a suggestion only. Please carefully review the latest versions of all relevant information on the TOSHIBA products, including without limitation data sheets and validate all operating parameters of the TOSHIBA products to ensure that the suggested TOSHIBA products are truly compatible with your design and application.Please note that this cross reference is based on TOSHIBA's estimate of compatibility with other manufacturers' products, based on other manufacturers' published data, at the time the data was collected.TOSHIBA is not responsible for any incorrect or incomplete information. Information is subject to change at any time without notice.


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Recommended Motor Control Products
Provide system solutions utilizing high-power electronic technology


This is a picture of Isolated Gate Drive Circuit for 3-Phase Inverter.
近年來,工業設備中的3相逆變器已成為實現低碳社會的重要因素。本電路是具有各種保護功能的閘極驅動電路,可安全地驅動3相逆變器所使用的功率模組。 此參考設計提供了電路各部分的設計參考、操作方法以及電路圖和PCB圖案等設計訊息,請在設計中使用它們。
This is a picture of Gate Drive for SiC MOSFET Module.
Gate Drive for SiC MOSFET Module
In recent years, SiC MOSFET modules have become popular compared to conventional IGBT modules as they have a smaller size and lower loss, which is useful in power conversion applications such as industrial motor drives and railway inverters. This is a gate drive circuit with various protection functions which can safely drive a SiC MOSFET module.This design uses the TLP5231 pre-driver coupler, which is capable of high-current gate drive with external buffer MOSFETs and has various built-in protection functions to implement the isolated-gate drive of a high-current/high-voltage SiC MOSFET module. It consists of two channels, high-side and low-side, on a 62mm x 100mm board and can be installed on Toshiba dual MOSFET modules. Design tips on each portion of the circuit, method of operation, and design information such as circuit diagrams and PCB patterns are available, please use them for your design.
PCB Photo (example)
1.6 kW Server Power Supply (Upgraded)
Thanks to Toshiba’s latest power devices and digital isolator, this 1U size and 12 V output 1.6 kW server power supply achieves higher efficiency at whole load than the existing reference design which uses the same circuit topology. Design files and guides for circuit design and operation are available as reference design.
3-Phase Inverter Using SiC MOSFET
This reference design provides design guide, data and other contents of the 3-phase inverter using 1200 V SiC MOSFET. It drives AC 440V motors.
PCB Photo (example)
3-Phase Multi-Level Inverter using MOSFET
This reference design provides design guide, data and other contents of the 3-Phase Multi-Level Inverter with 5 level output. It uses 150 V MOSFETs to drive AC 200 V Motor.
1.6 kW T-Type 3-Level PFC Power Supply
1.6kW T-Type 3-Level PFC電源
1.6kW AC-DC轉換器電源,具有T-Type 3-Level功率因數校正(PFC)電路。對各種電路的設計要點、設計數據、使用方法等進行說明。
Board photo of 100 W LLC DC-DC Converter
100 W LLC DC-DC Converter
This reference design provides design guide, data and other contents of 100 W LLC DC-DC Converter which uses Zero Volt Switching implemented using LLC resonance.
Photo of evaluation board of Smart Gate Driver Coupler.
Evaluation Board of Smart Gate Driver Coupler
This reference design provides design guide, data and other contents of the evaluation board of Smart Gate Driver Coupler.
Photo of 100 W power supply for LED Lighting.
100W LED照明電源
This reference design provides design guide, data and other contents of the constant current 100 W Power Supply for LED Lighting with PFC and a wide range of input voltage i.e. AC90V to 264V.
Exterior photo of 1 kW full-bridge DC-DC converter.
1 kW Full-Bridge DC-DC Converter
This reference design provides design guide, data and other contents of 1 kW server power supply using phase shifetd full-bridge DC-DC converter.
HVAC application of photovoltaic-output photocoupler and MOSFET as replacement for mechanical relay.
Photovoltaic-Output Photocoupler and MOSFET as Replacement for Mechanical Relay
Solid state relay with photovoltaic-output coupler, TLP3906, and MOSFET, TPH1R306PL. Describes design guidance of solid state relay circuit as replacement of mechanical relay.
Features of 1.2V/100A output DC-DC converter compliant with 48V bus voltage.
1.2V/100A Output DC-DC Converter Compliant with 48V Bus Voltage
This reference design provides specification, block diagram and PCB layout data of 1.2V/100A output isolated DC-DC converter which convert 48V bus voltage to 1.2V directly.
Features of 300W Isolated DC-DC converter.
300W Isolated DC-DC Converter
This reference design provides specification, block diagram and PCB layout data of 300W isolated DC-DC converter which is small size and suitable for consumer applications.
Inverter application example of smart gate driver coupler TLP5214A inverter application.
Smart Gate Driver Coupler TLP5214A Inverter Application
This reference design provides example circuits, design guide of built-in functions and thermal design guide for applying TLP5214A to inverter circuit as gate driver.
Block diagram of 200W AC-DC power supply.
200W AC-DC Power Supply
This reference design provides specification, block diagram and PCB layout data of DC24V/200W AC-DC power supply suitable for consumer applications and embedded power supply.
Application block diagram of application circuit (current sensing) of the TLP7920 isolation amplifier.
Application Circuit (Current sensing) of the TLP7920 Isolation Amplifier
This reference design provides design guide and example of simulation waveform for phase current detection with optical isolation amplifier for motor control of servo and inverter.
Application block diagram of application circuit (voltage sensing) of the TLP7920 isolation amplifier.
Application Circuit (Voltage sensing) of the TLP7920 Isolation Amplifier
This reference design provides design guide and example of simulation waveform for bus voltage detection with optical isolation amplifier for motor control of servo and inverter.
Application block diagram of aplication circuit (current sensing) of the TLP7820 isolation amplifier.
Application Circuit (Current sensing) of the TLP7820 Isolation Amplifier
This reference design provides design guide and example of simulation waveform for phase current detection with optical isolation amplifier for motor control of servo and inverter.
Application block diagram of application circuit (voltage sensing) of the TLP7820 isolation amplifier.
Application Circuit (Voltage sensing) of the TLP7820 Isolation Amplifier
This reference design provides design guide and example of simulation waveform for bus voltage detection with optical isolation amplifier for motor control of servo and inverter.
Features of 1.6kW, 80Plus Platinum class, high efficiency server AC-DC power supply .
1.6kW, 80Plus Platinum Class, High efficiency Server AC-DC Power supply
This reference design provides design guide, data and other contents of 1.6kW 80Plus Platinum class power supply using Semi-bridgeless/Isolated phase shift full bridge.







* TOSLINK™是東芝電子元件及存儲裝置株式會社的商標。
* 其他公司名稱、產品名稱和服務名稱可能是其各自公司的商標。
